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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Alek


    Sometimes with sugar, mostly black though!
  2. Its not part of the filter, something I can add.
  3. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.147

    I'm 99.9% sure I added script selector navigation with arrow keys. I'll look into name sorting!
  4. Stop tagging us, we are already working on this!
  5. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.147

    I liked the logger attached; to me it makes more sense to just start OSBot through CLI if you wanted a separate logger. Did it out of consensus though!
  6. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.147

    Changelog: Patched Quest API Added old logger interface -Removed client logger Human input can be cycled using hotkey (numkey 9)
  7. 50M for -50 exp with the new rev lamps.
  8. I never make changes that I don't include in the OP
  9. Thanks! I'll ask around, I heard about some changed we wanted to make, not sure if they went through with message listener though!
  10. I'll see what I can do with coming up with a list.
  11. I removed the input hotkey, but I can add it back.
  12. By popular request I added two highly requested features: 1. Human input is now controlled by a ready-to-access button, instead of going to Settings->Toggle Human Input. Now it's a three input button. When you start a script, by default you can't use your mouse but keyboard is enabled. A second click will disable both, a third click enables all; cycling back. For Scripters: isHumanInputEnabled() returns true if both mouse and keyboard are available. 2. Screenshots through Settings->Take Screenshot (and through the Utilities method) now takes a screenshot with painters (aka script paints).
  13. There's no statistics on any of this, any results from "ban experiences" weren't professional and weren't done in a controlled environment. Babysitting doesn't do anything besides potentially preventing reports or script glitches. Just because you weren't banned, doesn't mean you weren't detected. We can only make assumptions on server-sided detection while using technical skills to analyze client-sided detection. Any discussion on server-sided detection should not be taken literally, unless of course you know someone specifically on the anticheat team from the company.
  14. You tried numerous things, except for what the result of client.getUsername() is.
  15. https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/model/Character.html getInteracting()
  16. Really depends on the company you work for. If you're applying as a full stack developer at a medium or small sized company, you might get away with "AI programming". Try that with Microsoft or IBM, your interviewer will probably talk about that "AI" in-depth and call out your bluff.
  17. Talk about machine learning, advanced AI theory, and neural networks. The more about a subject you know nothing about, the better. Also say you were an employee (Software Developer) at OSBot. (these are all things you shouldn't do because that would be lying - we've seen these things before and its maximum cringe).
  18. I deprecated it because it doesn't create a normal distribution, it only creates the positive half of the bell curve. My official solution was/is the following: public static int gRandom(int mean, double stdDeviation) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (mean < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mean can't be lower than 0!"); double max = stdDeviation * 3; int result; do { result = Math.toIntExact(Math.round(random.nextGaussian() * stdDeviation + mean)); } while (Math.abs(result - mean) > max); return result; }
  19. Dialogue API does this for you; I mean you could re-write your own Dialogue API, not sure what that would achieve though.
  20. hahahahaha I fucking doubt it, also there is a very large difference between C and C#
  21. I copy paste open source csgo python scripts from mpgh with broken offsets.
  22. 54k players online, if 50% are bots, then there are 27k bots online. If there were 135 gold farmers running 200 bots each, then there would be nobody else botting besides them. Since we know there are more than 135 individual people botting at any given time, this is not possible. This means the likelihood of you having a 200 bot farm is very, very unlikely. So the answer is no, botting is not feasible at $3k/month. If more than 1 person on this thread claims to make over $3k/month from botting alone, one of them is lying.
  23. It sounds like an issue within your control, and you have a support network of friends and family. Unless you are being abused (if you are then get help), then try and find some hobbies that challenge you. Programming, carpentry, gardening, art, cars, etc. Being occupied will give you a sense of purpose, which is important for people that are still developing. If you tried or are still having issues after that, then I'd seek some professional help.
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