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Everything posted by Alek

  1. I tried to make the API doc for that class pretty detailed. The changes were necessary to fix a variety of bugs. Make sure you are consuming the event as well!
  2. Ugh... Just use a client that never updates then if you believe this. You really know how to trigger me. I'll start looking at it son.
  3. I removed all the posts regarding mirror mode and we contacted MGI regarding the issue. Please post the mirror mode bugs in the mirror mode forum from here on, thanks for the reports.
  4. @Tigger - Operating System? How many tabs? How many clients? Script name?
  5. This is not the last release of OSBot lol I'm happy I was able to upgrade your experience here at OSBot.
  6. OSBot 2.5.X is now live. I worked closely with our scripters to ensure that the transition went relatively seamless, so most scripts should already be good to go. If you have any issues with a script, please contact the script writer first before posting in here or the bug reports section. Let me know how you guys like or dislike the new update. OSBot 2.5.0 Changelog: [Major] Complete overhaul of mouse/key listener system -Fixes issue with "clicking with input disabled" -Fixes StackOverflow with mouse wheel Bot addMouseListener now accepts BotMouseListener instead of MouseListener Added BotKeyListener Added Bot addKeyListener(BotKeyListener) Prevented adding listeners to WrappedCanvas Updated BotMouseListener API docs [Minor] Updated client UI to look similar on both Nix/Windows Fixed proxy list adding null host/port bug Patched exception on creating local files first time Patched error on first time webwalking download Removed Combat getCombatLevel() -Duplicate method, myPlayer().getCombatLevel() Removed Mouse isWithinCanvas() -Duplicate method, Mouse isOnScreen() Removed ItemContainer getAmount(List<Item>) -Doesnt match ItemContainer continuity, largely unused Removed Skills hoverSkill() -Relied on static interface id, used purely for antiban Removed experience tracking from script executor -Unused by scripts on the SDN -Removed Bot getLastGainedXPTimeThreshold() -Removed Bot setLastGainedXPTimeThreshold() -Removed getTotalExperience() Removed Widget getRectangle() -Duplicate method, Widget getBounds() Updated API Docs for Widget getPoint() -Incorrectly stated that method returns null if not visible, returns (-1, -1) Exhausted DPI aware resolution bug fixes Fixed NPE in ScriptSelector Various large code cleanups OSBot 2.5.1 Changelog: Restored AutoLogin event Patched issue regarding opening advertisements Verified closing advertisements works, unintentionally fixed through 2.5.0 patches Added additional Stronghold of Security door answers
  7. Old School literally exists because of the combat system and pking. The gmaul is the goto weapon and a lot of combos rely on it, not sure why the f*** they are even polling this.
  8. Please stop recommending this @Dan the boy - Does the client become laggy?
  9. I didn't touch advertisements at all, their frequency must be the same.
  10. Correct, you must wait until 2.5.0 becomes a stable release until you push the updates for it.
  11. This version is intended for scripters/script writers to update their scripts prior to the stable release on Tuesday, 13 February 2018. Do NOT download this version if you are a botter. Download Link: Click here Please ensure you compile your scripts against this version, your scripts will most likely break on the Stable release date if you do not do this. The API Docs have been updated, please read them! Changelog: [Major] Complete overhaul of mouse/key listener system -Fixes issue with "clicking with input disabled" -Fixes StackOverflow with mouse wheel Bot addMouseListener now accepts BotMouseListener instead of MouseListener Added BotKeyListener Added Bot addKeyListener(BotKeyListener) Prevented adding listeners to WrappedCanvas Updated BotMouseListener API docs [Minor] Updated client UI to look similar on both Nix/Windows Fixed proxy list adding null host/port bug Patched exception on creating local files first time Patched error on first time webwalking download Removed Combat getCombatLevel() -Duplicate method, myPlayer().getCombatLevel() Removed Mouse isWithinCanvas() -Duplicate method, Mouse isOnScreen() Removed ItemContainer getAmount(List<Item>) -Doesnt match ItemContainer continuity, largely unused Removed Skills hoverSkill() -Relied on static interface id, used purely for antiban Removed experience tracking from script executor -Unused by scripts on the SDN -Removed Bot getLastGainedXPTimeThreshold() -Removed Bot setLastGainedXPTimeThreshold() -Removed getTotalExperience() Removed Widget getRectangle() -Duplicate method, Widget getBounds() Updated API Docs for Widget getPoint() -Incorrectly stated that method returns null if not visible, returns (-1, -1) Exhausted DPI aware resolution bug fixes Fixed NPE in ScriptSelector Various large code cleanups More information to come shortly...
  12. Contemplating putting Vilius at #1 because he is Lithuanian whereas Frostbug is not, but Frostbug is the best so I'm undecided.
  13. 1. @FrostBug 2. @Vilius 3. @Fruity 4. @Token 5. @BotRS123
  14. You should go work for Oracle as a senior software engineer, show them how to write code.
  15. I love tiger woods my favorite player
  16. Yeah I dont care about other stats, just need the account to have The Feud completed. Thanks!
  17. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.162

    Try deleting your OSBot folder. What does the logger say?
  18. Looking for accounts with The Feud complete, 2 accounts tops prefer RSGP prices. I don't add anyone on Skype, only chat on the forums/chatbox. Trusted only. You can either post prices below here or pm me.
  19. More information will be necessary. Are you getting errors in the logger? Are you on mirror mode?
  20. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.162

    Looks like a script problem
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