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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.158/159

    @markdmp Are you setting CLI arguments? It appears you're setting -mem
  2. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.158/159

    Going to need a stack trace, error log, a screenshot, or something else; this isn't enough information for me to help you!
  3. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.158/159

    If this one works I promise I won't make anymore updates!
  4. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.158/159

    Try redownloading using the new link through incognito (prevents getting the old cached version).
  5. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.158/159

    Redownload from the same link, @The Undefeated already found an issue Edit: Make sure you aren't getting the old cached version, try running chrome in incognito!
  6. Version 2.4.158 Resolves: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/136429-client-hangs-at-starting-bot-1/ https://osbot.org/forum/topic/136403-allow-lowresource-is-broken-nullpointer-exception/ https://osbot.org/forum/topic/136422-no-interface-error/
  7. Found out that both users knew each other and specifically came here to "crash" the market. After we accepted their scripts onto the SDN for free pending a code review, they both mysteriously left and claimed we never approved it. Turns out that the github for one of them had a lot of password stealing projects in the past and other various scrapers. Both later conspired to steal passwords but were put off when we asked them to have their scripts on the SDN. Unfortunately we had to log into their accounts to read their communications. Since they did end up "hacking" a user, I'm going to ask you to refrain from asking anymore questions about these two goons until we finish our investigation.
  8. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.157

    Sorry for the double update guys. Changelog: -Patched compatibility issues on majority of Linux machines -Added "waiting for game to load" message for loading new bot through CLI -Patched script selector bug Big shout out to everyone being patient with me over on this thread:
  9. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.154/155

    Seems like some sort of linux issue, please refer here:
  10. Alek

    OSBot 2.4.154/155

    My new friend @dztance tested 155 and said it was working, let me know if this fixes your issues.
  11. Changelog: Patched client interface gui bug on bot menu Removed holiday theme Bunch of internal updates to support new webwalking code (more next update)
  12. Apparently multiple screens, running something in admin-mode (Windows), and running something in full screen, and running multiple bots are the causes. I've checked everything except for multiple screens and I can never seem to replicate the issue.
  13. I removed the link because you're blaming the script for getting you banned and not yourself for botting bowstring in Lumbridge. Use common sense.
  14. Are you saying that other bots on other clients dont get banned because they are not using the OSBot API? Are you implying that scripts that don't use "default" interactions have better "ban rates"? Proof by contradiction?
  15. Revenge of the Sith might actually be my favorite movie
  16. Know of a reliable way to tell if you're currently on range/mage/melee? I think I ran into that issue years ago when I first started scripting here.
  17. When the FBI comes to my house and I clean my hard drive of murder evidence, they say "oh well, his computer is clean. guess he didnt commit the crime, lets pack it up boys".
  18. Its a pupper 11/10 would pet
  19. Your wolf is scary, definitely not a pupper. 2/10 would not pet
  20. Alek

    [Free] ShrimpFisher

    You won't be able to prevent bans, there is literally nothing you can do. Just focus on improving your scripts and finding a way to handle searching for the NPCs without directly using the ids. Let us know once you found your solution
  21. When they know I'm watching Star Wars but I'm playing the game, this "registrates" in big bros eyes as botting so they call jack to make a map. thanks
  22. Alek

    [Free] ShrimpFisher

    Good first script, however NPC ids change every Thursday. Good job on keeping it clean, not a fan of calling that antiban though.
  23. This forum is not the Fruity Zulrah Help forum, please post this information on his thread.
  24. Yes, OSBot is a jar file - it runs off of Java, just like Minecraft. Please download and install Java, if you have problems there are many videos out there that show how to install Java for Minecraft - its the same process. Also please post in the correct section, this was not posted in even the remotely correct section.
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