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Everything posted by guywithlsd
You have to tag czar and tell him what mob, he should fix it.
To use safespot, you need to Select Ranged mode + Hit F10 or F9 i can't remember what, but when you hit it, the square u are standing in will get marked as safespot. Paint will say that too, that safespot is activated or smth.
maybe you stop - rerun script and/or change break settings couple times? for me, breaks works pretty much 100% and stuff start to bug when i re-run script changing gui options or play with settings -> rerun script. If i setup everything, restart client, run everything fresh, no problems. altho, i don't baby sit my bots..so could happen same..cuz accounts i run with osbot sometimes survive for weeks, sometimes get banned in 2 days.
i checked sparta.rs web and it told me this would cost 12.5m / $ . ill know for next cape!
Paying with OSRS gp. Looking for someone with reputation. Will provide BP and stuff. Need asap. 75hp / 66 defence / 81 range / 43 prayer
dont try man..osbot offtopic is autistic place..
dude does not read posts or this thread..never..ever..I posted many many bug reports where script would fail to login back, or go to break, or bunch of other one..zero replays was made, zero bugs was fixed..don't waste time with this script my friend...
go read last couple pages of script you are using before making questions.. script in general don't work good for safe spotting, not to mention wyvs have stupid aggro and pulls you out of safe spot A LOT... i know the feel man...when you start to test all options this script offers, you realise half of them is not working or is full of bugs Altho, when it works, it works like a bitch..does the job with no questions
@FrostBug Hello. Have you looked into breaks fix? like we spoke before, only go break before banking or some shit so it does not try to break while in tunnels / in combat.
autoclicking..maxed pure... maybe just sell the pure and enjoy the cash..why would you risk with some sketchy methods of botting...
yes You really don't want those "combat zone" perks in sand crab plugin. Thing is those thing mess up other things, or end up with small bugs or users not being able to use them correctly and spaming thread. Sand crab plugin works pretty good so far if you set it up good. yes, and it's good. Have you tried selecting safespot with F10 after starting script? just stand in place you want to safespot, start script, select options, s tart, hit F10. It might be F6, can't remember, but it is shown under Paint. Now if you use it for some NPC and pull's you out of safespot because walks behind "object", then use Smart safespot. But anyways, safespotting as of now is buggy in general.
Most of the problems comes from re-running script. If you stopped script, you have to restart client, or fighter will bug out after starting it again. its strange bug, but i have been doign this for a bit now and i have no problems doing simple tasks most of the time. Doing safespotting atm. wooks good. EDIT- @Czar If i enable smart safespot + do not retaliate combat, bot works pretty good. Come back to safespot fast. BUT does not attack NPC that is 2 tiles away (more then 1 sq size NPC). Now, if i uncheck - enable smart safespot + uncheck don't retaliate combat, safespotting start to fail a lot. if it gets out of safespot, it does not come back to it until NPC is dead. BUT attacks any NPC, even those that are close to me. Along with all that ^^ looting changes after unchecking those options. With first options selected, it waits for loot to appear, and loots -> attack new npc. With second options - it kills npc and does not wait for loot, instead attack new npc. So i don't get it..i don't touch looting options but script still change something + does not loot Noted big bones. Have reported those bugs months ago..idkidk
@Czar i can't remember..have you added support for wyvs / gargoyles? i remember you mentioned you got acc with slayer or smth (?)
holy, thanks man! will try soon. but correct me if i am wrong..you don't need vip to use botting client with proxy then? for example - you can run 3 different botting clients with 3 different proxys on your PC with help of proxyfier? What does DNS stand for and how this could be any problem for botting?
Anyone used proxyfier before with OSBuddy? Maybe there is another way to use proxy with OSBuddy?
Try un-check fight along cannon option. And instead, select Fight zone with F7. And mark square around cannon of 5x5 tiles.
get a task. Grab a cannon. go to npc. Build cannon. Stand on cannon. Run script. Select options. Select task - stop after slayer task. Select optiosn etc. run. Don't leave your account, becasue it my end up with death after stopping script when task is done. Will NOT loot cannon, bank. Might bug out but does the job most of times. Btw. Select, fight along cannon. And with f7 select fight zone around cannon so you don't run around like crazy attacking far enemys if you camp in big area. when you stop script, reload client becasue after that it will most likely wount loot any more.
Your inbox is full man
tell me how long you paly a day and i will tell you how long it will take, cuz xp/h is pretty stable @ nieve.
stats - https://gyazo.com/99b48f4227daaf6ab83a871064972939 You keep loot. I provide supplies. Cannon / mage setup. want price + time how long it would take.
@Czar Does not loot runes / demon heads / idk what more. Also, randomly stopped filling cannon with cballs. not too informative gif, but shows it does not click on it when stopped. even tho i made it to refill often. https://gyazo.com/92e47ae85eb307d939a85bc7e9397b66
Are you into making script go to breaks like we spoke before?
antidote++, not antivenom. antidote++ last 2x longer then super antipoison too (12 minutes 1 dose instead of 5mins)
profit hour should be 450k/h. look at how much gp it has earn in total, and how much time ran. Some ppl was speaking about this previously. Ban rates are probably high af because..well..everything like this have high ban rates.