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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/50019-understanding-the-forum-ranks/
  2. BA is fucking cancer. 3 brain dead roles and then some other role where you think you can just drop baits like its explained in a guide but then you get fucked by rng and when you play any other role you always have some fucking retard as defender and someone is gonna quit cause of it after 3 waves cause it takes too fucking long because anyone who likes ba is in one of these gay ba boosting clans and if you want a torso while keeping your sanity you need to pay them fucking 30mill so you go staking to make the money you wasted back but then you get cleaned Jagex should just remove it already and sell torsos for 1 bond each
  3. questions with an emote at the end instead of a questionmark always make me wonder if they are serious anyways: only loot big chests + full last room and skip leftover time to go into rushing to last room asap for maximum time spent in highest room/h
  4. im a bit late i guess
  5. That actually sucks that it works like that maybe would be good to make it optional with cli flag or just remove it and tell ppl to get more supplys so they wont run out
  6. I think its because of osbot break handler letting the script run before client gets out of welcome screen and then when the script is in welcome screen it obviously sees no supplys thats with using low cpu mode
  7. see this is where jmods know that you are talking bullshit you cant get banned while using Fruity NMZ
  8. do you realise that most of the greynames who ony post on this forum to beg for trials already spam every possible way to communicate with jagex because they got banned while botting 15 hours on their cb 80 mains? There is literally no made up story about people having their dogs accidentally install bots on their computer that jagex hasnt heard before
  9. seems to be happening like 70% of the time when you get 6h logged script stops after logging back in while still in the welcome screen [INFO][Bot #1][05/26 04:16:02 PM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][05/26 04:16:07 PM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][05/26 04:16:10 PM]: Out of runes! [INFO][Bot #1][05/26 04:16:10 PM]: Stopping script - No resources left! [INFO][Bot #1][05/26 04:16:10 PM]: Terminating script Khal AIO Tabmaker... [INFO][Bot #1][05/26 04:16:11 PM]: Successfully updated signature. [INFO][Bot #1][05/26 04:16:11 PM]: Script Khal AIO Tabmaker has exited! @Khaleesi
  10. try if runelite works for you so people can tell you if its your pc or anything related with specific clients
  11. works with runelite for me idk why you would maximize the client though just givey you a black border
  12. After the script logs back in (6h logout/dcs) it sometimes says "out of runes" in logger and stops
  13. he also pmed the skype names not lruddords fault that the guy who got scammed couldnt check his own skype name in a 300$ trade
  14. ez11

    Battlefield V

    You silly americans and your nearly nonexistent history education think that you are able to judge the game genderfield5 is a realistic ww2 shooter.
  15. Making this topic because I see @Decode back with ex-staff rank, after being responsible for people getting scammed and at the same time there is @TWC with 1000 positive feedback and a topic full of vouches for doing large trades with other (some more some less) reputable users, but he is in TWC and seems to be using the rank as an advertisement. How is that consistent? I dont argue that decode should be in TWC but how is it consistent that he isnt while one of the people with the most feedback is in TWC? What makes TWC even more useless as a rank is that it seems like people only ever get placed into the rank when tey are getting disputed or talk shit to a staff member in chatbox, but people who singed up 5 minutes ago can post multiple topics about offering services and buying/selling gold. There are so many scams where people chose to get their firecape done by someone with 3 posts and a 1 week old account because he offered the lowest price and I feel like half of those could be prevented if TWC wouldnt be given so randomly. IMO it would be the best to just place anyone who opens a service/wants to sell an account or wantss to sell gold into TWC until he gets like 10 feedback. and replace the "trade with caution" rank that you give people getting disputed with a "do not trade" rank.
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