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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. my last headset was a kraken pro and honestly i wouldnt pay money for it. Did you compare your kraken 7.1 to other headsets in that price range?
  2. Currently thinking about getting a sennheiser pc 320. any opinions on that? Just for normal use like gaming/watching videos/listing to music etc. Not producing music or something else that would require super good audio quality
  3. @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek @@Alek
  4. ez11


    maybe you should stop visiting these sketchy porn websites or atleast install some ad blockers and so on to prevent them from infesting your pc
  5. scammed lol make dispute vs osbot
  6. ez11


    but why does he have to leave us he can still be a shitposter troll when hes going to school
  7. ez11

    i love dex

    usually only maldesto gets these posts so lets give some love to
  8. lol seems like terrorists learn driving early. Im actually wondering why, shouldnt be that hard to hit a crowd of people with a car
  9. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/507w8m/a_former_goldfarmers_perspective_on_how_randoms/
  10. were you serious when you vouched for him? I thought everyone always knew he was going to scam when he talked about his zerker thats worth 80m but he will sell for 40
  11. so your answer is he should do fishing?
  12. Basically bring 1 poison karambwan (untradeable but you only have to cook a raw karambwan poorly and you get it) per overload dose (excluding the first since you will laready be on 1 hp) and then you can just eat a karambwan every time you drink your overload and it will deal 5dmg and put you back on 1hp good if you wanna afk nmz on ur main
  13. mining is still cancer though
  14. maybe they just finish their script and then realise that they already have made 5 accounts for testing and that they could just use the script to goldfarm for themselves instead of sharing and risking the script getting a higher banrate
  15. the script wont build anything at all. It opens the building menu and then not build the object. the logger gets spammed with 2 "building object" messages per secound do you know how fast you can fix this?
  16. rusing vid + fullscreen rs = super aids lmao
  17. so if i want to get the script to do 33-67 cons i should just unnote in rimmington? i think i gonna get this tomorrow
  18. @@Eagle Scripts Does this script work with normal butler? Also if you wanna use a butler to build oak larders wouldnt this need a diningroom for the bellpull or is the script gonna bug out?
  19. The judge asks the boy if he wants to live with his mother. the boy says, "no, she beats me." so the judge asks him if he wants to live with his father, and the boy replies, "no, he beats me too." what about any of his relatives, and the response is, "no, they beat me worse." now exasperated, the judge asks him, "so who do you want to live with, then?" the boy replies, "can I live with the English football team? they never beat anyone."
  20. ez11

    hey guys

    have you tried making the nice lady on your profile pic ask maldesto to give you the ranks?
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