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    New York City

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  1. Had to rewrite almost everything I wrote hehe, the script works perfectly I had multiple windows open on my computer that's why it was running slow, once I closed some the script started working with no issues. Great script another 10/10!
  2. Lol this is my second account, I been here since 2013 with both XD.
  3. Khal... This script is perfect! Fishing minnows was going extremely smooth, no issues and I am currently 96 fishing Great script would recommend 10/10! also fast response times pretty good!
  4. Script works pretty well, I have went from 40-77 prayer in no Time. Would recommend this one! Good luck all.
  5. What if I have been here since 2013?
  6. A quick updated been working with this script overnight and its still going strong almost 90 strength. Thanks!
  7. Just wanted to comment because I like to comment on certain scripts. This script seems to be up to date and working with no issues. I have used a DH set with overloads and absorption potions 10/10 working, I also used Armadyl plate ect strength set 10/10. This script works really well and so far it has been running for 3 hours with DH and 6 with strength set. Great job with this one!
  8. I see the script teleports to Karajama via glory and runs to all the locations, lumb, fally, etc ect.. Any possible fix? or am I doing something wrong? Thanks. EDIT- someone helped me via discord was not setting the start up properly, it is now using the tabs as it should and everything is working perfectly. This script is FTW. A quick FYI don't try and do to many things at once it will try and fill up your inventory to much and then it will not work due to having to many items. Good Luck!!!
  9. Can I have a trial? Thanks!
  10. Was trying to complete Dragon Slayer quest and appears it is getting stuck. Anything I'm doing wrong? O][Bot #1][03/07 10:26:39 PM]: running quest: Dragon Slayer; current stage: 2 [INFO][Bot #1][03/07 10:26:40 PM]: position: [x=2934, y=3247, z=0]; next: Dragon Slayer; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][03/07 10:26:40 PM]: running quest: Dragon Slayer; current stage: 2 [INFO][Bot #1][03/07 10:26:41 PM]: position: [x=2934, y=3247, z=0]; next: Dragon Slayer; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false Fixed my own issue had the npc on hidden lol
  11. What happens when you start doing earth warriors near the wild? Does your player run from the fight? I was there early got attacked and was tele blocked but I was able to make them teleport.
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