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Everything posted by Han

  1. Title - I was just curious into thinking why there isn’t a working Tithe Farm script? Surely a script like that would be extremely useful for some botters on here?
  2. Yes, I’ve done everything I’m supposed to, still doesn’t work.
  3. At sorry, I think the links expired after a set number of hours. I’ll have to send them back through once I’m able to
  4. I have PMed you with pictures of what’s occurring
  5. Yeah, fixed screen and only have a chisel in the inventory (last slot), will try again shortly see if it still occurs . EDIT - Tried running the script again, mines one inventory of essence then uses the Dark Altar, chisels one then runs back to the mine and just stands there and doesn’t do anything after that - Very strange.
  6. Noticed it doesn't seem to like Blood Runes? I try to run it and it only thing it seems to do is Mine essence > use the dark altar then run back. It just seems to stop at that point. Only thing I get in the logger is; "WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of break condition!" Was a little gutted that it isn't working.
  7. I don't spot any lag or anything unusual when it happens although it doesn't happen often, but when it does it'll just stay in the inventory even when equipping a new one. Apart from that, script runs pretty well!
  8. @KhaleesiWhilst running this script I noticed a few simple bugs, as a whole the script runs nicely (only tested it at Lava runes) - Sometimes when withdrawing a Ring of Dueling it’ll withdraw two, leaving one in the inventory and never banking it unless it’s banked manually. - When running to the Fire Altar, it sometimes runs the whole way around (360) - This one is just a recommendation; is it possible when teleporting to the altar, to have the script select the inventory, I have noticed that when teleporting it is always on the equipment tab and takes a little time to switch tabs when trying to craft the runes. Thank you for the hard work that has already been put into this script!
  9. Script is no longer picking up Stamina Potions unless it's a (4) dose, it worked perfectly before but now doesn't recognize any other dose.
  10. I’ve used a mouse recorder and managed 99 Agility, Mining, Cooking and Smithing.
  11. I can see where you’re coming from absolutely, it just seems pretty delayed and confused before doing an action. I just think the use of the mini-map (especially near the fire altar) is a little too much as a human wouldn’t use the mini-map to click near the Altar if you know what I mean?
  12. After a few hours of running this script this is what I had picked up on - 22k-23k XP/HR with using Ring of Dueling and Binding Necklaces Noticed that the script is a little slow with clicking actions (Such as clicking/walking to the temple, clicks the mini-map to get very close to the altar rather than clicking earth runes to "use" on altar. (Maybe something similar to the Agility scripts "Prepare-click" mode would help here?) It may be part of the "anti-ban" but delay between teleporting to bank and clicking on the bank seems to be a pretty long delay. Don't mean to be such a spoil sport, but just thought It'd be helpful for you in some way.
  13. I misread your post, apologies! I’ll have a good test out of the script and let you know how it settles in!
  14. @Czar Is there any way of hiding paint?
  15. I've been away from botting for around 3 months, curious to see whether there has been any dramatic changes or it's still the same principles.
  16. Bot smartly, don't be completely obvious about it if you don't want to lose the account. Although already stated don't bot on something you're afraid to lose.
  17. Han

    APA Rooftop Agility

    One slight thing I have noticed on Varrock Course, sometimes it'll try to click on the next obstacle before the current obstacle has been completed, therefore it'll sit idle for 5-10 seconds before progressing, it also runs into the general store when it tries to click onto the rough wall.
  18. Han

    APA Rooftop Agility

    Could I grab a trial for this? Will post feedback.
  19. Will definitely purchase it if it's implemented! Will do!
  20. Is there a hide paint button or shortcut by any chance? :-D
  21. Han


    Up until 80/82 nope, after that I just got a private script for the rest and ended up getting 99. Went legit and got banned .
  22. Han


    I did manage 99 Fishing on F2P around a month or two ago, went P2P done a few Minnows legit and got banned. I guess it's just luck really.
  23. Han

    Best Alch Items?

    Struggling to find a decent item to alch, I've tried looking on alchmate but nothing buys for the prices they're suggesting. Any other useful websites or just items that are good for alching? Cheers.
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