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Everything posted by Han

  1. I've been botting on F2P for about a month now, just purely Fishing and hit 88 the other day. I guess it's just what methods are incorporated really and what methods you use.
  2. Hit 88 Fish last night, has been very slow progress this month but back to it properly this week!
  3. Quite slow progress made over the last 2 weeks or so, at 87 Fishing and still no ban. Going well so far .
  4. I'm not doing it for money - it's just a challenge to see if I can achieve 99 on F2P. Achieved 86 yesterday .
  5. Few hours and I'll be hitting 85 Fish .
  6. 99 Fishing on a F2P account.
  7. Almost at 83 Fish, still going strong in F2P?
  8. where's this 1M then aye Nope, Juggles .
  9. Han

    A little help?

    I'll start looking up the basics and stuff firstly then. Thank you .
  10. Han

    A little help?

    What're the best programs to use to make Avatars/Signatures? Taken an interest in graphics recently. Also, any tutorials that would help learn the basics etc.
  11. Hit 80 Fishing today, hitting the levels where botting techniques are going to be critical. Bring on 90! .
  12. Almost at 80 fishing?, sorry for the lack of updates.
  13. People have found a new and effective way of crashing Chinchompa Hunter Bots - The way that this is performed is by ; "Placing Traps half a second before the Bot starts to place it, wait one minute and pick up the bots trap and place it with the "Players". This eventually ends in the Bot having 0 traps left, and I've noticed in recent days more and more people are using this method - I'm not saying that scripters aren't aware of this, I'm just stating it may become more common in the future. Just a heads up @ProjectPact @FrostBug
  14. Should hit 70 by tonight, sorry for the slow progress this week?.
  15. Cheers man?! I may invest in a Private Script if I make it to 80, mid-60's is still the normal-state of f2p players getting banned.
  16. Hit 64 fish today - kinda slow progress this week if I'm honest ?
  17. Managed 4 botted levels today, weren't able to get sufficient hours in but back on it tomorrow!?
  18. Im not able to get on until tonight, but I'll legit 2-3 levels then bot the rest?
  19. Im going to be doing some legit levels for the first week, not going all out but its just seeing how far I can get. I've been on a world with a few botted players that have managed 80+ so far. Worth a blast?.
  20. This thread is based on me getting 99 Fishing on Free to Play, I was going to remain as a Free to play(er) but have decided to convert to Members' if I do achieve 99 Fishing. Of course getting 99 Fishing on F2P is a huge accomplishment if I manage to do it as botting these days can be tedious and hard but I feel as though I have found some of my own methods to remain just above the safe-zone (I know we're never safe with botting). After botting 95% of the time since April I think that at this point it's safe to say I've been one of the lucky ones to get so far but it isn't completely impossible to do so. Some level-ups may be off with how I update you guys just because purely I don't want to be too obvious so I'm able to be spotted quite easily even though it wouldn't be that hard to find me in game. 22/07/17 - I hit 98 Fishing and hope to be 99 by next Wednesday/Thursday depending on if I'm able to do sufficient hours.
  21. I've changed my memory allocation loads of times to see if it changes, still problem persists.
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