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Everything posted by Han

  1. Han

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Yeah, the occasional misclicking is fine, not when it clicks on a deposit box and gets stuck. I have to babysit majority of the time I use this script on Seers' cause it either tries to chop a tree, or gets stuck at the deposit box.
  2. Han

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I've noticed on Seers' rooftop, it'll sometimes try to chop a tree or click on the deposit box and get stuck? It's really bot-like
  3. Skillers are able to survive all rooms, but I'd think the coding in that would be quite lengthy.
  4. Will this ever support accounts such as Skillers? Or is that not a possibility at the moment?
  5. Han

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I always turn off ready-click mode as it's always buggy for me so that's not the issue. If you could do that, that'd be amazing.
  6. Han

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Is there any reason why Falador is 28K xp/hr and I'm barely getting 14K xp/hr? I've set it up correctly just think this isn't good getting 12K xp under the expected mark..
  7. That isn't the only reason I wanted it, but it had to be part of the case I suppose.
  8. Is it only Sponsor that allows no client advertisements? Considering either buying Sponsor/$100 donor
  9. Han

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Does Blackjacking support Level 3s?
  10. Granite mining is OK, just won't last as long due to 10hp you can average between 25k-30k but maybe a little less due to being a level 3.
  11. I'm doing almost the same, but doing an alternative slow way compared to mlm. Almost at 66 Mining (:
  12. Han

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Account got perm banned yesterday, was only a throw away though. Thanks for the regular updates.
  13. Han

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Just wondering if you're able to make this more Level 3 friendly? It's really an inconvenience when HP gets below set amount but doesn't bank as it replenishes, which means every pickpocket or 2, it'll attempt a bank run and go back repeatedly? Maybe once out of food it can be set to bank? Just seeing if this is possible
  14. Han

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    : Can't find any suitable npcs for your chosen settings, stopping script! [INFO][Bot #1][11/14 11:40:24 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Thiever... [INFO][Bot #1][11/14 11:40:24 PM]: Script Perfect Thiever has exited! [INFO][Bot #1][11/14 11:40:25 PM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #1][11/14 11:40:25 PM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen After breaking, shows this in the logger. Using Sticky NPC with Ardy Knights, using 3rd walking setting too.
  15. Han

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    it didn't let me select the NPC manually after the break, it just stood still and didn't do anything :c
  16. Han

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    After breaking, NPC becomes unrecognisable and says this in logger; Waiting for sticky target... set target using hotkey and clicking an npc! [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:24 PM]: Waiting for sticky target... set target using hotkey and clicking an npc! [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:24 PM]: Waiting for sticky target... set target using hotkey and clicking an npc! [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:25 PM]: Set sticky id to: -1 [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:25 PM]: "ss_sticky_id" changed to "-1" [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:25 PM]: "ss_sticky_select" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:25 PM]: Waiting for sticky target... set target using hotkey and clicking an npc! [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:26 PM]: Waiting for sticky target... set target using hotkey and clicking an npc! [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:26 PM]: Waiting for sticky target... set target using hotkey and clicking an npc! [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:27 PM]: Waiting for sticky target... set target using hotkey and clicking an npc! [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:27 PM]: Waiting for sticky target... set target using hotkey and clicking an npc! [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 02:40:27 PM]: Waiting for sticky target... set target using hotkey and clicking an npc!
  17. Han

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Script will return to the sticky NPC highlighted green after banking, but after 6-10 pickpockets it stops pickpocketing altogether.. I tried Save NPC I had the same issue as going to the little hut by Ardy Bank with this error; INFO][Bot #1][11/01 06:28:52 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException at perfect.scripting.b.c.a.prn.A(sg:245) at perfect.scripting.b.c.a.cON.A(tk:478) at perfect.scripting.b.c.a.cON.A(tk:611) at perfect.scripting.b.b.NuL.A(te:64) at perfect.scripting.b.b.NuL.A(te:69) at perfect.scripting.b.b.NuL.J(te:707) at b.a.con.e(ch:1286) at b.a.con.onLoop(ch:2426) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(vk:145) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  18. Han

    Molly's Thiever

    May I have another trial of this as last time the script was bugged and didn't get to use it fully?
  19. Han

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    When using "Save NPC" it gets stuck here everytime as well as using the 3rd walking option (Ardy knights) I don't understand why it still bugs out if you update it ; http://imgur.com/apLY6NV
  20. Han

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    After selecting NPC like this; http://imgur.com/a/tw1sP It does this after re-banking for some reason and won't pickpocket NPC; http://imgur.com/a/x8Cqe (Also doesn't recognise NPC if the door is closed, only when it's open)
  21. Han

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    It fails to re-recognise NPC after breaking, or when it banks it'll come up with this; INFO][Bot #1][10/27 02:28:05 PM]: Unknown position for sticky target npc, stopping script. Make sure to start the script near the npc in the future! [INFO][Bot #1][10/27 02:28:07 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Thiever... [INFO][Bot #1][10/27 02:28:07 PM]: Script Perfect Thiever has exited!
  22. Han

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Ardy course is flawless, one little pointer though. On the "Jump Gap" interaction by the stall, it stutters a little just wondering if this is meant to happen or whether you can fix it
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