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Everything posted by Han

  1. It appears so, it just ignores the obstacle - appreciate it
  2. @Khaleesiis it possible for you to fix the “Boulder Shortcut” for Soul Runes? [x:1776 y:3883, y:0], webwalker doesn’t seem to pick it up. EDIT - After running back to the essence mine from the soul altar, it doesn’t then run back on whilst mining the dense rune stone, so it just walks one to the other makes the running a lot less tedious
  3. Looks awesome! Definitely a script that is needed and wanted for sure! Good luck with the rest of the development!
  4. @Khaleesiis it possible for the script to put the chisel back in the last slot when it picks it up after dropping? It massively slows the chiselling down if it’s put in any other slot
  5. I didn't appeal it, account got disabled for 2 days then only went back onto it today and was quashed - wasn't expecting that at all haha.
  6. Very surprised to check my account today and find that it's had a Bot Busting Moderate ban quashed, is it normal to have it quashed within a week? - Is it safe to bot again? I guess there's no strike on my account anymore but caught me by surprise.
  7. Hi guys - just asking an off-chance question, what’re believed to be the chances of getting a permanent ban on an account that received bot busting moderate and then continuing to use mirror mode? (I am aware of the phrases “don’t bot on account you don’t want to lose”, I don’t intend to) I’m just rather curious on what everyone believe the chances are, or in fact how long it may take!
  8. Received a Bot Busting Moderate ban today, only used this script but I guess I won’t be using that account for botting anymore
  9. Whilst using "Chisel whilst running", this occasionally happens and it'll just get stuck; I haven't noticed it with Chisel whilst running turned off so seems to be something with that option selected I believe! https://postimg.cc/8FpJTCPY
  10. Hey @Khaleesi, is there any way to speed up the chiseling for Zeah RC? I understand it isn't the slowest and appears to be fine. I just feel as though it could be a little faster or even have an optional speed slider alongside it in the GUI.
  11. @KhaleesiAny update on a possible update to fix the chisel issue with Zeah RC?
  12. Yeah I kinda thought it was haha, cheers! Greatly appreciated @Khaleesi, I was watching it not too long ago and it appeared to right-click then drop in a quick interaction. I don’t know if it’s because of the chisel placement; because when you right-click on the chisel yourself it sometimes hovers over the drop action which could cause the script to drop it without meaning to. A possible work around would possibly having the chisel in the 24th inventory slot and interact with the essence in the 28th - I know that possibly would be too much work changing the whole dropping mechanics of the script - just a recommendation
  13. Not really, most of the time when I use it I don’t use anything else, Shift-Drop is set to off in the options settings anyway. Sometimes it can happen 1 or 2 times, other times it can happen roughly every few trips.
  14. Hi@Khaleesi, I’ve been noticing a lot more recently that whilst crafting Blood Runes, whilst chiseling it often loses the chisel from the inventory and just stands around doing nothing. Not the worst bug/issue, but it’s rather inconvenient if you walk away from the bot and it just idles repeatedly
  15. I'm currently suffering an issue with something Java I suppose, I thought it was hardware acceleration at first but I believe it to be something to do with JavaSwing? I have tried the fix where adding things into Environmental Variables is supposed to help but it has done nothing. Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  16. I don't know if I'm just dumb in not knowing what is happening but I'm getting this at the moment -
  17. The new dev build didn’t change anything in terms of the problems that are occurring for me, I guess chiselling the essence blocks at the Dark Altar could counteract the web walking issues. I’m not sure ^^ Another recommendation could be that, when using rocks to jump, have the bot click into the centre of the mine whilst doing “Chisel whilst running” as sometimes it can just get stuck in a corner chiselling away and can look a bit suspicious
  18. Would just be nice to have that option, it’s only a suggestion I have also noticed that whilst using Chisel whilst running doing Bloods it can get stuck on the skeleton path back to the Dense essence mine sometimes, just thought that may be something to look at ^^
  19. Hey @Khaleesi, is it possible with blood turns to chip the first inventory at the dark altar before running back?
  20. Hi @Khaleesi, I was just curious whether a manual fix would be coming for the Blood Rune problem I encountered (a fix similar to the blood altar one). Haven’t been able to bot them since the error kept occurring
  21. I don’t like to use Stealth injection as I’ve always had bad experiences with bans. After it venerates the first inventory it clicks on the minimap as it is rotating, sometimes it’ll get stuck of the Soul Rune path and sometimes near the skeleton. It’ll get stuck for about 5-10 seconds which is enough time for the skeleton to kill me if it is in that area.
  22. Is there anyway to have a temporary fix in terms of LocalWalker instead of the current webwalker, similar to the Blood Altar bug?
  23. 7 years seems a very long time for a bug to still be happening
  24. That’s what I couldn’t understand, I’ve left it a couple of times - went back and the chisel isn’t there and I don’t get how it would even drop it
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