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Everything posted by Han

  1. @Khaleesi, I’ve also noticed it drops the chisel on the odd occasion - which is weird as it never happened before.
  2. Hi @Khaleesi, Just giving you a little update, I’ve almost been killed twice due to the camera rotation/mini-map click after venerating and trying to run back to the Mine. It doesn’t happen that often but when it does, it can land me straight next to the skeleton. Just thought you should know
  3. I’ve been using it since the 3.1 update, I now only have the humanlike option selected and seems to be running pretty well! I will keep you updated as always, I’m sure you know that by now Update - After running it for a few hours, I noticed after venerating the altar it tries to click on the minimap whilst rotating it causing it to get stuck for a few seconds (I know this could be mirror mode), when it tries to go back to the mine - just thought I would update you on that
  4. Yeah - it was still idling near the skeleton when I had the chisel option unselected too. I can use it but I just have to babysit it when it does those runs to the altar ^^
  5. I only have the chisel whilst running option, I didn’t want to play it dangerous and have it idle paths etc! Thank you for attempting to fix it
  6. I tried running it and it just isn’t possible for me to use as it just stops and idles next to the skeleton that could kill me - which is a shame, but is what it is.
  7. Han

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Good luck @Czar, I don’t doubt it’s going to be an amazingly successful script
  8. I ain’t saying idling is a problem, all I am saying is that it idles in that same one place than any other and obviously there’s a work around.
  9. Thank you for the update! I guess for the time being, I’ll just stay away from Blood Runes until it’s viable and safe enough to do them! Apart from the death thing, it ran pretty neatly after I updated the Mirror Client so I look forward to seeing if there’s a solution to the Skeleton (From what I can see, is it hits 4s and sometimes the bot idles right next to the skeleton)
  10. As far as I know my mirror mode loads fine and works as it should. I have joined your Discord as well! Hoping this update should fix any problems I have anyway. I appreciate you trying to fix it as quickly as possible! UPDATE - I downloaded the newest OSBot client (BETA) and seems to be working fine! This next part is more of a recommendation than a fix, but would it be possible to add a death failsafe for accounts that have a lower HP? (The skeleton on the path back to Dense essence mine is aggro for accounts with lower HP), also after doing the second inventory of blood it can get stuck in the same position over and over but only for like 5-10 seconds, just thought it could look a little weird if it repeatedly happened (Tile - 1728,3823)
  11. Any idea of when an update is coming? @Khaleesi
  12. Was just a little disappointed after a long wait of having to wait for a fix then run into an immediate problem in the new version - hope it gets fixed soon.
  13. After using the latest version, after mining a full inventory of Dense essence blocks - once it venerates it constantly repeatedly click Venerate on the Dark Altar? I am starting the script as I should/recommended just thought you should know.
  14. It’s always been a long term thing, I always let it known when there’s a problem but nothing really gets done about them until I have to pester them consistently. That doesn’t go for all scripters though.
  15. Have any of you encountered a script that runs flawlessly without any issues? Out of all the premium scripts I use (bar 2), none of them are flawless and encounter problems at some point. What scripts run flawless for you?
  16. Hey @Khaleesi Any update on Blood Rune fix?
  17. Hey @Czar, any timetable on when Bloods are being implemented?
  18. Off personal opinion, what is everybody’s favourite scripts to use?
  19. Hi @Khaleesi, Just curious on when the next update is coming to fix the Blood Runes problem?
  20. You should be able to start the script anywhere, just have a chisel in your inventory and hit play .
  21. User hasn’t been active since April 2016, the script hasn’t been taken over by anybody therefore it no longer works.
  22. Absolutely, I checked it out earlier and was curious to thinking why another scripter hasn’t gave it a shot? I’m no expert in scripting so I can’t say the scale of making a script like this but I’m sure it would be pretty nice as Tithe is definitely useful!
  23. That would be great, considering it’s quite a useful way to gain Farming XP I’m surprised there isn’t an active one .
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