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Do Not Trade
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Everything posted by Catastrophe

  1. 1. Moderators, EVEN community manager should have access for info when the bot will be up again, they should be able to inform people, because they're mods. 2. For some people is it. We donate (a.k.a. pay them for bot(s) that they are giving out us to use) We have reason to be mad. 3. WORST word even heard from moderator. Lol is the last word i was expecting hearing from mod. 4. No, this is great place to post this thread. Move it yourself lazy mod. 5. Atleast you toke it sereously, but dont be stupid mate. 6. I think you're 15 or something. Go ahead, delete my post, ban me or enything, but it wont solve shit. You're really unprofessional. lol
  2. Catastrophe


  3. You're kidding me right. My one and only reaction to a thread like this is 'lol' Moderators and even the community manager, do NOT have access to information regarding the downtime of the client Impatience is no reason to attack the people who run the forum lol If you have a complaint, you can at-least have the audacity to post it in the 'Feedback' sub-forum If you want to be taken seriously, I suggest you avoid using profanity in a thread title. It's disappointing to see people flaming the 'voluntary' workers that receive 'NO PAY' for extra workload. Been doing this job now for five months, no pay, just because it feels good to help people and gives you a sense of self satisfaction. You don't think that it's frustrating for the staff team too? when they're consistently ignored by their 'superiors' and I use the term loosely. On-top of the fact, most of us have paid privileges such as; VIP + Sponsor, we're losing out just as much as other members. Talk about biting off the hand that feeds you. Note: I won't be closing this thread, I'll leave it for someone else to decide.
  4. Money in my pocket, but I just can't get no love
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HZ04FPK0S8 Even if you hate this kind of music, just listen to the chorus once.
  6. they're fkin low life fkin loser fks i'll fk em up irl, dey dnt lift, fkin loser fks fk em fkin prik fks fk u
  7. y u no talk 2 me anymore. QQ When you skype me at 3am my time what so you expect -_-
  8. #Master sqaud has already taken over OSBot. I suppose it would be wrong of me to destroy all of your dreams.
  9. Not your fault mate. I feel the community I worked fairly hard to maintain is falling apart and my days here maybe limited.
  10. Everywhere I look, I see crying, flaming, whining and conflict. Toxic toxic toxic toxic toxic like the LoL community. Without the chatbox this forum is a giant punching bag.
  11. #SuperSquad Get the fuck on my level None of you, scrub, tramp, poor, fucking losers will ever compare to me and @Smart
  12. No you don't. I'm SOTW winner and I do, you mad? Why on earth would I be mad? I can give myself any script, any post count, any amount of likes, so I ask you.... ARE YOU MAD? But globals don't have access to all premium scripts for free.
  13. Title says it all. I can't really comment as I love all three and their music.
  14. Very nice, I hope the member becomes more recognized as one who can provide exquisite GFX. P.S. I discussed it with @Raflesia and we decided to promote him to GFX designer
  15. The irony. P.S. I do make myself giggle.
  16. Makes me laugh when people hate on WoW, people can say it's bad, but statistics and profits say otherwise, NOOB! #WoW for lyfe No but in all seriousness, World Of Warcraft is an awesome game, I like League Of Legends, but you will never find a community, more toxic, arrogant and talent-less than the LoL community. I'd do recruit a friend with you, that's assuming you play on EU, otherwise you'd be better off doing it with someone in your timezone ^^
  17. Thread closed, as you have completely stolen this from another website, without crediting them at all, we do not condone plagiarism.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyjR61dA4Qs&list=FLF8uf3c3PPagU_a6F1_N32Q&index=1
  19. If I'm correct, Supers can't promote or demote. GF Actually you're wrong.
  20. Fuck her onions, they're shit, fucking fuck.
  21. Don't take him seriously. There's a reason this is in the spam section ;)
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