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Do Not Trade
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Everything posted by Catastrophe

  1. Sounds like a good suggestion, would save the 80 members that join the chatbox when the bot goes down from all asking the same question every 5 minutes :P
  2. This makes you a contender but not a challenger.
  3. I doubt anyone has a better bank.
  4. Was hoping for some kind of evidence, never-mind then /thread
  5. I would consider this post more then mild trolling, requesting it to be removed as it breaks the rules. I will report the post to a member of staff and they will deal with it shortly.
  6. There should still be rules regardless of the section, because something is marked 'Spam' doesn't mean it's acceptable to go around targeting other users, as for the guy claiming you can buy your way in, no amount of money is going to earn you the respect or reputation you need to become a member of staff. /thread
  7. I must say these two members have outstanding taste.
  8. I can't wait for GTA V, nothing like the thrill of running people over online.
  9. Yea other communities can remain censored, that's fine. I'm just talking about all the other words that are censored However one of your examples was the n-word, and words like that should remain censored.
  10. Racial slurs and homophobic words are censored for a reason, because they're offensive, people throwing the n-bomb around the forums all the time will offend people, including me, same when people do it in the chatbox, I find it incredibly irratating. Swear words aren't censored since this isn't a dictatorship, other words do not need to be uncensored, users have more than enough freedom. As for other botting communities, there isn't any need to mention them around the forum and it also counts as advertising.
  11. #SuperSquad

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scotty


      fuck yourselves you dumb cunts

    3. Smart


      Scotty pls back off before we eliminate you.


    4. Scotty


      go messi go go go

  12. Looks really good, especially for your first piece
  13. It gives me something to smite in the wilderness, godwars is awesome :P It also gives high level players something to do rather than boring old DK's or Kalphites or even Barrows. I hope they bring clanwars soon too, that will make 07 perfect imo ^^
  14. Catastrophe

    New Sig

    Looks great mate! #Naruto
  15. Verified by Josh please And a picture of Will Smith
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