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Do Not Trade
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Everything posted by Catastrophe

  1. Unfortunately for you there is no guide on how to add local scripts, so enjoy learning yourself peasant.
  2. I can teach you all how to add Local scripts. I suggest that you join.
  3. I don't like fortnights I like fork nights.
  4. My summoner name is 'Bank' but I'm on EUW Bro I'm one step closer to making love to you irl with this information.
  5. Ayo bby was good xxxxx Pls I'll always be top dog. #SuperSquad The Catastrophe army will follow me to the depths of hell!
  6. If you're veteran you would have worshiped me at some point. I have returned to restore order to the galaxy. If you wish to pay tribute you may bring me a human sacrifice every fork night starting from now, in return I shall make your dreams come true. Mid ss Top Mia Gank bot ffs River is warded. Check Baron? Take drag.
  7. People aren't leaving because of you. People are leaving because of the ignorance of their 'Superiors'
  8. So your argument is, because you spent an hour pushing scripts, you're active. lol And I believe it was said you would receive an 'Administrators' position. So I should hope you'd do more than just push scripts.
  9. You're finished, Nidalee spear through the brush, good effort.
  10. this can never happen, pls community, pls god, pls mods, pls close, pls.
  11. Stfu, you copy cat swine prick noob stfu noob stfu pls ban pls
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