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Everything posted by Catastrophe

  1. Good guy Maldesto or Peter idk, gave him ex-staff, wish granted
  2. My recommendations for staff positions would be as follows; Gh0st YoHoJo (not sure if that's right) Divica (If he would accept) Celestial
  3. I'm happy for everyone who has been promoted. @Maldesto is a very old member, with previous experience in moderating, he can get the job done, best of luck to him. He has made some mistakes in the past, but haven't we all? @Peter is the same as @Maldesto those two may have not worked as long for the positions as some, but that doesn't mean they won't get the job done. @jason has been on my list of waiting promotions for awhile (before my resignation) however because of his activity in the market (before it was acceptable for staff to participate again) I just turned a blind eye. @5uck like @jason was also one of my choices, so grats to him and everyone else. As for everyone else, I'd like to apologize for resigning among all of this commotion. Best of luck to the new staff team P.S. If your name isn't on there, it isn't personal my memory isn't that great,
  4. No one else on this site is a competitor if I'm honest. They either don't know how to moderate or they just suck up to get a rank.
  5. I took the liberty of removing the [REAL] out of your title, as a poll has no effect on the choices of staff-members.
  6. Added you on skype, interested in an Exclusive Signature and Avatar
  7. Just because someone doesn't feel like staying at that moment in time, doesn't make them compelled to leave if they suddenly change their mind xd.
  8. loool ok you were only mod there and now im magically unbanned makes perfect sense. Man corrupt staff. You were auto-kicked from the chat, you can ask anyone in the chatroom. Maybe use your initiative, before you start spamming the spam section, with utter nonsense.
  9. OSbot didn't hack you. Your brothers goldgenerator.exe probably did. You the odds are you have a RAT, download a program called MalwareBytes, run a scan, problem sorted. Or system restore if possible. P.S. It isn't physically possible for OSbot to hack you, as ALL of your customer data including; Account name & details, are stored locally on your computer under OSbot > Data > Local.dat.
  10. Of all the people, @Maldesto got temp chatbox mod? That was unexpected. Wasn't our decision. Maxi decided to promote him, if Maxi feels that's the right thing, then I'm fine with it.
  11. People who ask for ranks, won't receive ranks. Beggars aren't choosers. However we do need more chatbox mods, I'll discuss this with @Raflesia
  12. Catastrophe

    SOTW Tab

    Sure, seems like a cool idea and it praises the talented Graphics Designers Support ^^
  13. It's because you don't have enough post count yet, you need 20 posts for the Market and 40 for services.
  14. Got everything saying they're charging back. Got one guy saying I DDoSed him because he was warned for offensive language for being racist lol. Interesting times.
  15. In what way are the staff lazy, I look forward to your well-structured, intellectual response.
  16. evan the mod agre sea how bad it getting? srsly owner plz fix boot now trust me we cen recoover luv u 2 dem fkin fkers be disrespectin uz i say we merk dem we shud pk all dere lewtz and den laugh at dem nubs lolz
  17. It is very disappointing that the developers haven't done anything about this, as of yet. But no-body but the developers can fix that, we don't have that information, as we are ignored just as much as normal members. But people like @Zambu coming on this forum, complaining about things they don't even understand and making false accusations when they haven't even been around for a week, isn't going to help anything.
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