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Do Not Trade
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Everything posted by Catastrophe

  1. They're ranked team 3v3 matches, that we played as a joke They also don't count toward your ranked wins.
  2. Gooby pls, my win ration this season and last season + my KDR + my swag Speaks for itself.
  3. Yeah I hard carry every game. NOTE: Don't you dare LoLking my ranked stats, I've been inactive from ranked. I am LCS I am Challenger
  4. I'm the only famous one around here. = 7/10
  5. She too, has the power of youth.
  6. I don't know. Some of the fillers are quite funny :P
  7. Already watched them all. Watching them weekly now.
  8. Well if it isn't my old Rival, Kakashi. w-wait, you're not Kakashi.
  9. Everyone possesses the power of youth. Let the games begin!
  10. Getting real tired of your wizardry boy.
  11. Black Poster? I believe that would be me. Note: I be killin em today
  12. And this is but one of my outbursts of literary genius.
  13. Catastrophe


    Oh my... That looks delicious. Not only is the art a solid 10/10 but the bacon made from that beauty, my goodness. Nice work man, I hope to see some more of your pieces.
  14. So I leave for awhile and I'm over taken. Sickening...
  15. Gz, my first penta was with Draven
  16. Champions like Garen, Master Yi, Kayle, Darius, etc... They're really easy to play and will help familiarize you with the game mechanics. inb4ButtHurtKayleMains
  17. Have fun in Wood V, toxic trash tier.
  18. For some odd reason I chuckled at that.
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