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Everything posted by Catastrophe

  1. How many wild hoes have you tamed?
  2. My instinct is telling me this guy is a legit member, and not a vader at all.
  3. Can vouch for: Great product, quick delivery, Online chat service for anyone who needs help +1 Rep, will use again!
  4. That definition is out-dated. Here is a more recent meaning;
  5. Dat Asuna doe, I would.

  6. It could have been worst lol. You could have been simply registering and got given Super, and then ratted out by one of the members so it was either resign with pride or get demoted after how many months of voluntary work >.>
  7. From what I've seen, you guys are doing fine on the disputes themselves :P, it's just the banning that is cause for concern; since anyone found guilty of scamming needs an immediate IP ban (even if it's only temporary) to prevent more members falling victim to them.
  8. Format: Member: Jordan Feedback on activity: Active Abusive or Non Abusive?: Non Abusive What could Jordan improve on?: Not sure, seems fine to me Does Jordan handle situations well?: Yes Anything else?: Member: Mikasa Feedback on activity: Active Abusive or Non Abusive?:Non abusive What could Mikasa improve on?: Same as Jordan Does Mikasa handle situations well?: Yusss Anything else?: Member: Smart Feedback on activity: Active Abusive or Non Abusive?: Non abusive What could Smart improve on?: Nothing Does Smart handle situations well?: Yeeeees Anything else?: Member: Gilgad Feedback on activity: Active Abusive or Non Abusive?:Non Abusive What could Gilgad improve on?: Spend more time talking to me in chat Does Gilgad handle situations well?: Yes yes! Anything else?: Member: Raflesia Feedback on activity: Active Abusive or Non Abusive?:Non abusive What could Raflesia improve on?: Nothing Does Raflesia handle situations well?: Yesss Anything else?: Member: Arctic Feedback on activity: Active Abusive or Non Abusive?: non abusive What could Arctic improve on?: Not sure, seems like a nice guy, haven't spoken to him as of yet. Does Arctic handle situations well?: Not sure. Anything else?: Member: Eliot Feedback on activity: Active Abusive or Non Abusive?: Non abusive What could Eliot improve on?: Not sure, maybe be a bit more lenient with the kicking sometimes i.e prior warnings Does Eliot handle situations well?: Yes Anything else?: Member: Nick Feedback on activity: Active Abusive or Non Abusive?: Non abusive What could Nick improve on?: Not sure, maybe the same as Eliot, both good guys, don't know em too well yet though Does Nick handle situations well?: Yes Anything else?: Overall the staff team is looking good, you all seem to be doing a fine job and getting a long. Keep it up ^^ Although on the subject of disputes, maybe the trials/globals should let the supers + deal with them, otherwise if they don't have someone online to contact with access to the CP, that person can only receive a warning point ban, when scammers need IP bans to prevent further scamming and so on. But if the rules have changed since I've resigned, ignore me and keep doing what you're doing ^^
  9. Catastrophe


    bad dog_ simply shower and you is ok fixd
  10. Yeah I went to a fancy dress party as Captain Jack Sparrow.
  11. The politically correct term is 'chocolate'
  12. He edited the poll a few months back haha
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