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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/3504-how-to-fix-auto-login-issues/
  2. I agree if you can limit it to a 12 minimum size/18 maximum size. It wouldn't be to small, and wouldn't be to big. The color doesn't matter, because most color on animate theme can't really be seen to easily on the subway theme.
  3. Maldesto

    Better Themes

    We need more dark themes, plain black sucks. Get us some dark purple, or blue, or something along those lines!
  4. I agree with this to some extent, except for the fact someone could scam more than 200 dollars in a day being very trusted with that kind of rank. Along with the fact what if they pay 200 dollars get the bar scam a few hundred dollars then charge back the 200 dollars they paid for the bar. This is a very hard decision to make with the trusted users, that is why I don't think a bar has been implemented as OSBot never really wanted a market, they just made it, because it is an attraction and a very active place. In order to grow we needed a market, just like we need a spam section, and just like i think we need a random section. I just think this is a very good suggestion, if in fact Kati and the other administrators could figure a full proof method. Maybe 200 dollars mailed to kati once she gets the 200 dollars she can give you the trusted bar. Edit:: Also i think a minimum of 50-75 feedback to even purchase the bar. This wouldn't keep anyone out of the market place, the bar is for the people that pay the money to receive the bar no one else can receive a bar. Everyone else can use the market, they just wouldn't be able to have the bar.
  5. Thanks Jason + AnneLotte
  6. Nice jason, I'm not good with photoshop, is there a way to resize it? So it can fit in my signature?
  7. I will use anything. Annelotte Can you resize it to make it fit in my signature. I don't know the max dimensions .
  8. Well I got excited and then seen Ps3-Ps4. I will never go back to ps after they got hacked and live was down for so long. I can't even play live cod on there it is full of a bunch of people that aren't very good. If i ever go over to someones house that has a Ps3 I will rent the game.
  9. What sucks is it basically sums it up, he was trying to get the trusted bar to scam even more most likely. I hope he doesn't get away with anymore from people.
  10. Better catch up, while you were gone for a week i soared past you in posts. How was the painting?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maldesto


      I'd say stay man, I know we got off smooth, and then it transitioned to bad, I'd say stay we will be alright i'm sure. I don't want anyone to quit, because I was rude. Also you'll earn your feedback back. :) Also yeah post pictures. People appreciate stuff like that, it was probably easy if you had a lot of guys helping and to see that smile on her face was probably priceless. When I do stuff at my church just to see peoples face makes it all worth it.


    3. Maldesto


      Challenge is first to 1,000 posts wins gentleman bet

    4. Jordan
  11. My girlfriend asked if you could remove her picture from your avatar!

  12. nice post count nub

    1. Link


      Nice Ex-Mod nub. :)

  13. Love the font its so me! If it can be re sized to fit in my signature, I will use it!
  14. It is like is none of us have it except smart. Smart told the admins not to worry about it. It would take Kati like two seconds most likely to add it for smart. When they promoted him it took away his sponsor since he moved groups and they never added it back.
  15. banning accuser and accused for being so dang cute.
  16. i pick 37 I should win, because i give away a lot of gp, so give away some to me
  17. I deleted your post because you had no actual comment on the price check you just told him what fletching and woodcutting accounts went for. Feel free to give him a price check on 99 hunt :D

    1. Led Zeppelin

      Led Zeppelin

      fair enough... thanks

    2. Maldesto


      No problem have a good one man. :)

  18. Why not use a skype call, and live chat for this? Can then moderate who comes and goes in the skype call. So people don't have 10 + people in there asking for bot instructions.
  19. Maldesto

    BETA v1.7.12

    That is weird, mine is up and running at the moment. I will forward a dev to this.
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