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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. You guys have no idea what you guys are talking about. You guys all use other bots then start using this one so you magically think the other bot no longer exist, when in reality they already have your password and most likely your infected with a virus. They don't act on it right away of course they wait a bit. Do you really think we would hack people for such little stuff. Do you really think the admins would bot their own accounts or gp, if they know they could just take yours?
  2. Always trick them though, its to easy. Also no where near the oldest scam in the book. :P should of seen some of the scams i pulled back in 2001.
  3. Maldesto

    Shoutbox mod

    Of course they are a different rank, but most of our script writers are mature enough to handle the duties of kicking people out of chat if they get out of control. That will most likely be the only privilege.
  4. Maldesto

    Shoutbox mod

    Sponsors used to be able to kick people, but a few people decided that it was cute to kick people for no reason when they were the ones spamming. I don't think Kati will give it to anyone in particular maybe a few user groups like trial + official + ex staff etc. There is most likely no way sponsor will get it again as they abused it in the past after giving them this access.
  5. I feel bad for nerds that sit there for hours doing this just to scam 50-100k. I laugh a lot at them. Greatest story ever My buddy and i were sitting in varrock while some guy was doing doubling. He showed us 15M that he had, we showed him 15M so we said we will go low first to see if you actually legit. So we started at 100k he did it so theres 100k profit. We did 1M he did it 1.1m profit we put up 2.5M he did it so we up like 3.6M on this guy, we put it up accept to the second screen and he accepts we decline he logged out. He logs back in and says "dc'd sorry didn't get the gp"
  6. Maldesto

    1.7.13 bug?

    It is casting, therefore it has to click the Npc, I'm not sure if there are any differences in attacking and casting. I'd assume not, but I don't know anything about scripting.
  7. Maldesto

    BETA v1.7.13

    Osbot.org, scroll to the bottom and click download. 1. Most likely this is to check and see if you are actually vip/sponsor. 2. This means you can open unlimited clients now, instead of having to open unlimited tabs so you can have 50 clients instead of just 1 now without sandboxie.
  8. Maldesto

    1.7.13 bug?

    No not at the moment, I am using a magic script and it is running just fine.
  9. I feel the forum for help is enough as its responded to pretty quick. I feel there wouldn't be people on to assist 24/7 and then it would cause an uproar with people not getting help creating threads like "omgosh no1 in the help chat wdf" I feel the help forum is enough as people help a lot + they know when they post it could be a while before they get help.
  10. Maldesto

    BETA v1.7.13

    Nice update, downloading now.
  11. iWarrior is a beast of a script, works very well, got me flat 60's.
  12. This seems to be the trend, I always find things i like and then i run out of stuff to do.
  13. Maldesto

    Assistant Rank

    Smart is the man, he usually team views anyone that needs help and assist them that way.
  14. ^ you weren't forced to pay back from the screen shots of live chat, but of the evidence I found my self, i was in live chat with amazon they said you canceled. I still think i have the screen shots.
  15. change ur title waldo is nub

    1. Maldesto


      flip the w upside down son its maldo

  16. Pretty funny, she is cute, but not hot. Wrong section, unless you really think it belongs in instead of spam or miscellaneous OSBot Development Discussion
  17. Look at the advertisement, its another bot, but if they are advertising with the advertising window, of course it will be allowed, just because you see something like that doesn't mean it is okay to advertise it any other time. Notice there aren't no 07 bots, or any alleged corrupt bots, everyone knows that bot is clean and would never scam anyone.
  18. https://twitter.com/itsJennyLynn
  19. This is a great price, it takes 7 hours to get that is basically undercharging especially since fire capes are going for 5 mill, don't let a few bad eggs make you change your price. Maybe lower the price to 1-2M for the first 2-3 customers so they can see your legit.

    1. Maldesto


      Once you get a few vouches more people will buy your service

  20. This is a great price, it takes 7 hours to get that is basically undercharging especially since fire capes are going for 5 mill, don't let a few bad eggs make you change your price.

    1. Mew12344552


      Will do thanks for the advice

  21. Seen you added me as a friend i didnt even read it just figured it was some random name and i was like who the fuck is nosaj with 700 posts lmao then this retard figured it out hah

  22. Is Spam thread obviously anyone can post here as long as they aren't breaking the rules.. It needed to be deleted the graphics section was so inactive and it was the same few people entering everytime. Only one person followed the rules in week two and it was barely winning.
  23. A good idea don't now why there isn't one. Kati probably over looked it.
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