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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. That is one reason why it isn't changed, because your opinion is "many people have made better logos" A lot of us don't agree with you at all, myself and Kati for instance. We both think every single logo out there has not made any dent in the current one. Maybe they look better to you, but they don't to us. I personally think this one looks better than any other submissions. I just don't like the OS
  2. I agree 100%, I feel we are to easy on people. People get pms from me every day saying please stop instead of just warning them. Also, the site will get the reputation of "you can do anything there" because we don't enforce the spam rule 100%. I delete over 10+ posts an hour while online of spam, and numerous times it is from the same person. Not my choice though. I feel people just spam and spam, because they know there aren't being a lot of warnings out there. "Oh they will just delete my post let me keep spamming"
  3. I was a pmod in rs before would be awesome to be a jmod lol. I acted like moderators should act. I would just be legit like I'm sure all of you would
  4. Happy birthday man, enjoy it. What kind of Christian school do you go to?
  5. add me on xbox i play halo 3, maldestov2
  6. what do you mean activate it?
  7. If there was proof if i had sex with her she would get pregnant, yes I would. If not I would definitely not do it.
  8. Not bad, i'd say 8/10, would be 5/10, but she has a hickey on her boob. Which i find is awesome, and so lucky for the guy that gave it to her.
  9. Giving people seizures with your signature will get you 0 votes.
  10. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/2196-osbot-tutorial-download-all-the-way-to-running-scripts-video/
  11. Did you boost on cod4, seems everyone head shot in cage match for cod4. I never did i had a legit 2.0 and a 6.0 win. We played hardcore search Notice your kd goes down on the garbage games, such as mw3, and bo2..
  12. Anyone one wanna play add maldestov2 on Xbox my highest is like 45 custom game on town solo started at round twenty
  13. I never post on this i figured it wouldn't even get close it flew under the radar!! I'll book mark it.
  14. What is your skype add mine maldesto.osbot@hotmail.com kcrowland2 isn't a valid skype

  15. You bookmark them on your web browser, or go to profile and go to topics on the left hand side. Also can go to find content top right hand side of your profile. You can also leave a profile comment on your self and link yourself to all your threads.
  16. Have you got skype yet?

    1. Smart


      Yep! Send me yours in pm and ill add you

  17. i respect your authoritiiiii
  18. I voted Kati because she is pretty then I changed it because Zach is pretty too and he had no votes
  19. Of course it wouldn't be post count. I hope that was a joke lol. It would be vouches and not only that i'm sure the admins would decide who they would allow to have this, maybe 50+ feedback?
  20. i think they should get a star by their name, Maybe in their title, a gold star.
  21. Glad to be a part of this. Great community.
  22. Hey sir, just letting you know free services for a fb aren't allowed any that you see report them and they will be deleted SpongebobSwag, on 02 Jun 2013 - 11:43 AM, said: I'll do it free for a fb if you the 300k person hasn't started.

    1. ArianaGrande


      ah sorry about that

  23. Your picture does not work on your mm thread.

  24. Congrats on sponsor :P

    1. Smart


      Thanks Maldesto <3

  25. Hey, I locked your thread since the account was sold, feel free to make a new one when ya get your acc going!

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