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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Show a picture of the payment within 24 hours.
  2. long time no talk

    1. Failed4life


      It's been awhile... how've you been?

    2. Maldesto


      Good, and you? Where have you been?

    3. Failed4life


      I've been alright. Just lurking in the shadows.. sorry for the delayed response, I didn't receive a notification :s

  3. not real at all, ps4 and final fantasy suck wang.
  4. It goes on what user rank you have. Staff has unlimited, 100 donor has 100, lifetime sponsor has unlimited, 250/500 donor has unlimited. Of course you get more perks being ranked on the forums.
  5. don't let anne mess with you scotty.
  6. Wasn't us, we don't need your 12M. If you used a local script from osbot, please feel free to pm me the script name. I will have the code reviewed.
  7. i think you were watching a porn
  8. done, see that was simple.
  9. proof or gtfo OT: good intro
  10. Can you take a screen shot please and post it here?
  11. I read your pm the day you sent it, it isn't my job to log into the paypal and search your pending transactions. We get 100's a day. You have one, you can cancel it. Instead of just asking for me to do it, google how you can do it. refund sent.
  12. Maldesto


    This isn't an issue apparently anymore as Czar can only add his scripts and you have them all?
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