1. Multiple accounts, without them personally asking, we can't monitor multiple accounts.
2. Some scripters don't want to give out trials.
You know there is an info button that takes you right to the script thread.
We can't possibly monitor all the broken scripts, all we can do is take reports as they come and then remove if they are broken for a substantial amount of time.
We tried monthly cost, and it didn't work. We have a system in place which makes us the best for new scripters to make money. This will definitely not change, the scripters have to maintain their scripts or they get removed from the sdn. If I get to many complaints/refund requests, I post in the thread or pm the user on skype and let them know about the complaints and that they have 24-48 hours to fix or it will be removed.
This works in theory, except when the script is broken for 1 day because of an update, and I get 50+ threads for one script due to it being broken. Not going to happen, they can post in the thread saying it doesn't work or report the original thread letting us know it is broken. It isn't as easy as someone reporting it broken and removing the script or even doing research. You know how many times I get complained to that a script is broken and its literally as easy as starting in the bank instead of outside, as it CLEARLY says in the original post. Your suggestion is exactly why the scripters are forced to make a public thread of their script with information and open to the public to post on + reviews. Letting people know if they are broken and if it has been fixed.
I agree on this, I've talked to eric and I'm not sure about this, I'll leave it for Alek to decide. I do think buying/staking scripts would be beneficial. I also think looting scripts should be released as FREE on the sdn, of course and a max of 1 per "loot" or an AIO looter.
This doesn't matter at all, we've had that, I've even erased the chat box rules and said "the bot is offline do not ask about it" in 48 font and red, and people still joined. Simply people will not read until they are told 50x in the chat box. This is good enough, people will learn or keep asking, either way we are here to address that and be as polite as we can when people are spamming.