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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by NotoriousPP

  1. NotoriousPP


    Didn't he say right here: So I'm pretty sure he informed us that he will maintain his scripts.
  2. Here's a tutorial for SOCKS proxy, for a HTTP you just need to make a minor edit which you can find on google, but here's the link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/27645-how-to-use-a-proxy-to-connect-with-osrs-pictures-for-the/
  3. Get a proxy then, becasue yes they can chain ban you purely using your IP, and you may risk losing your main.
  4. Then why do you give them to the same people who you point out in your last post? If you want OSD who know how to write better code, then actually give it to people who can, it's simple. I'm not trying to bash you or anything, just the problem isn't going to get better by sitting back saying "Fuck it".
  5. You missed my scripts on this list. If you'd like a script added post the link to it and I'll look into it. Link: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/210-notori-fish/ Price(if free put free, if it has montly cost include it too): 4.99 XP/h: 5k/hr - 50k+/hr Profit/h: 0 - 70k/hr If you'd like a script added post the link to it and I'll look into it. Link: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/271-notori-thief/ Price(if free put free, if it has montly cost include it too): 3.99 XP/h: 5k/hr - 100k+/hr Profit/h: 5k/hr - 100k+/hr If you'd like a script added post the link to it and I'll look into it. Link: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/323-notorious-giants/ Price(if free put free, if it has montly cost include it too): 3.99 XP/h: 5k/hr - 80k+/hr Profit/h: 0 - 100k+/hr
  6. Fuck him! Buy mine instead, they can make you rich!** ** Becoming rich results may vary.
  7. Then let's do something about it then. Stop handing OSD to everyone that asks, and start regulating the market.
  8. Wait... So your telling me there's a life outside a computer? Bullshit.
  9. Or just closestAttackableNPCListForName(String... names); / closestAttackableNPCList(int... ids); ?
  10. I still don't trust RS links on this site.
  11. No I mean the opposite. It's okay to check for null and integral types(int, float, double, etc.) using == or !=. But when checking Object types use .equals().
  12. Sorry I'm OCD about this. Use .equals() when comparing Object types, instead of != or == when not checking for null. With Integral types it's fine.
  13. So did I win? Do I get a prize?
  14. I didn't want to have to do this... But since your saying something. I ran out of room, or I would of added like 8 other features.
  15. So wait, people are seriously arguing that you would rather have piece of crap scripts litter the SDN just because it lets people "learn". If their learning, go ahead learn, you can test locally... It doesn't mean you should have a script on the SDN, to me it means almost the complete opposite. To have a script on the SDN should be a reward for handwork, not a passage way for kids who just Googled Java to make a quick buck.
  16. Did you notice the quote name? I didn't add his name, becasue I was being nice. He brought this upon himself. Also I got made fun of too, like more than him when I first started writing scripts, now look at me. It's not about who gives you criticism, it's all about how to learn from criticism that makes you better in the end, not whining about it.
  17. We all know how a free market attracts only the best scriptwriters. Like the competency level of some writers is through the roof. Like here's a prime example: Like who has time to study low-level languages when Java is already "very complex"?
  18. Yea but a free market also sometime causes good scripts to be undersold by pieces of crap just due to price. Most consumers don't know even know how scripts are built, or what it takes to get one uploaded on the site, and perosnally think most consumers feel that the scripts on the SDN are safe; becasue "hey their on the "SDN", they must be good!". But what they don't know is that almost anyone can get a script on the SDN, and the money they are about to spend could be a big waste. I feel if someone is going to purchase something on the SDN I feel there should a be a sense of security, instead of blindly picking a script based on price alone which seems to be happening. I feel the scripts on the SDN should be regulated with some type of quality control check, to prevent writers from trying to make a quick buck and just skip learning how to actually program before trying to write a script, and profit off of it. tldr: Support.
  19. But serious though, the real problem here is the developer ignoring crucial updates that should of be implemented weeks ago. We shouldn't have to their job.
  20. Well to most kids it's cough syrup..... Have fun destroying your body!
  21. If you wear camouflage while botting your fine... It's like the first rule of botting... Camouflage == Invisibility powers. Basic chemistry.
  22. I'm 22 and still play RuneScape (Well mostly script), and my girlfriend of 4 years, 3 of which we lived together, doesn't mind me playing it at all. Playing RuneScape doesn't make you a kid, it makes you someone who likes to play RuneScape.
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