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Gorilla Sensei

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Everything posted by Gorilla Sensei

  1. I didn't think that it was gonna last that long
  2. Didn't click thanks for the warning
  3. Its a pretty common thing in boards like this, I wonder if he's trans now
  4. I think its more surprising that people still own yahoo accounts for them to be hacked
  5. Maaaaaaaaan Anyone else thought that this was a Pokemon Go child porn thread?
  6. I'm a cool kid and I do not play this game
  7. I've got 3 its pretty sweet. Main one in the middle for w/e I'm doing at the minute, monitor on the left for idle processes (torrenting/reading ect) and another one on the right for media consumption, idk how people live with only 2 or god forbid one.
  8. The meme on snowy mountain
  9. wow did you just leak that avatar wtf
  10. They only get quashed if they made a mistake and the ban was wrong. Botting bans don't expire anymore either
  11. Aren't they completely shit live now? Yeah they are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyox4SU_yMs
  12. I'd call the police on that pirated windows
  13. You were never a celebrity
  14. Are you asking me to kill you
  15. A truly insightful comment to the problem at hand my friend @Lego
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