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Gorilla Sensei

Lifetime Sponsor
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Everything posted by Gorilla Sensei

  1. I've gotta say they don't seem to have the best taste in who they promote lmao Most of the mods end up banned for some period of time after they get demoted
  2. You should probably let the script writers know that their scripts are shit so that they can work on improving them rather than just removing them. I doubt that for any paid scripts you can do anything yourself, you'd probably need an admin to do it for you. It is setup like this for a reason. You paid for a product, this is like buying sponsor and one day realising that you just don't like that cyan colour and want to be put back to normal. What happens when you want the permissions back? The purchase has already been removed from your account.
  3. Nothing that you can't do with other software such as AHK
  4. I can't wait to read the scam report
  5. maldesto scams people on the side then bans then when they try to speak up
  6. I really hope that there is but I don't think there is
  7. jee I haven't seen that before
  8. I prefer tape but it really just depends how good you are at putting it on
  9. It happened like 20 minutes ago, he went first because I was sponsor.
  10. Sold 100m gp to him went by without a hitch would recommend
  11. I will take this into account when I never buy gold ever
  12. I just didn't find it very funny, I'm just jealous that I'm not flexible enough to suck my own dick.
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