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Everything posted by Th3

  1. You are talking about speed not functions.
  2. New account are easily flagged. You make a new account, buy a bond, use it and log on old school right away. Its a dead giveaway. Its either that or the ip you used is flagged. I had a few accounts banned without even botting on them. Simply because I made a new acc, got bond and used it, completely ignored rs3 and logged on straight to osrs.
  3. From 60-70% to low 10-20 this is on an i5 6gb ram, idle, one bot.
  4. Ain't nothing flawless. Just a word used with diregard to its actual definition. Scripts work the same for everyone, if you can run the client you can run the script. So if even one person reports a bug its most likely a problem with the script. Unless the user filled out the GUI wrong or using outdated client causing the different results, which does happen.
  5. We will return after these commercials...
  6. You use pathfinder and clear door/obstacle flags and check for door/obstacle on the path. If one exists and is operable then it opens it. This is how AIO scripts handle obstacles without the actual position of them.
  7. Give it to him. Nice and slow.
  8. There is now access to mouse events. Where you can do much more complicated stuff. Where before we had to actually use alternative hacks to achieve the results.
  9. The cpu(60-80%) && memory(400mb+) usage is unreasonable. All I have done is load one bot, haven't even logged on runescape yet. Console mode throws no errors. Average compter i5 6gb ram. Nothing else running. Edit: Logged on now its 70-80% cpu usage, still one bot only.
  10. Cool game. If you are gonna order it make sure to check if it works with your graphic card.
  11. Yo anyone know of any tutorials/examples on tiled image viewer to prevent loading an entire image into memory but just the parts that are on screen during panning/scrolling. I read JAI was the way to go but also read its very outdated now. I wrote a standalone one but the FPS is not ideal for my use. Edit: Solved. I used a grid and draw on it on the go.
  12. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG My 2nd favourite person in the werreerelldlfddddd Keep your pants on.
  13. expect a fix soon guys. we got in contact with laz.
  14. Th3


    Use web walking instead, Will make things easier for you as you won't need to make so many paths. Take a look at my aio walker for an example of it.
  15. Th3

    Some thoughts

    Two words. Proxy tabs. All a Jmod has to do is check the ip of one of the accounts and now he can see rest of the accounts and their game play statistics. "Smart" new anti-ban methods may help but they still won't stop the core of most mass bans, which are manual Jmod bans. Proxy tabs would reduce bans significantly, instead of 15/16 accounts getting banned only 1 or 2 will, since rest will point to a different ip based on the proxy. Other than that it is possible to make specific anti-ban methods with algorithms based on user stats/name/etc and no two accounts would be performing the same order and set of actions.
  16. Th3

    BETA v1.7.39

    This is more exciting than the rest of the fixes.
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