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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Varc

  1. Gl with this, what is your starting amount + how many accounts are you running?
  2. Varc


    LOL what a hero
  3. $2 per mill, non negotiable. If you are interested add my skype: live:daniellevickerz
  4. Varc

    Selling 1 def pure.

    Sold to ^^ closing
  5. Varc

    Hello osbot!

    Welcome to OSBot, hope you enjoy your stay buddy
  6. Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay
  7. thanks for the speedy response, i have hidden all the proxies and their details. Staff are still able to see these, I am heading out now but i will let the staff team know about the dispute and either they will look into it or if none come online i will when i am back in 3 hours or so. Thanks, Varc.
  8. Varc

    Zen Scripts

    I'm no expert in graphics by any means; feels like the text overpowers the background to me. I know this is intentional but i feel like it does so maybe too much. I do however like the layout in general!
  9. I don't find the game fun anymore, making a new account is always fun but i personally get bored at like 60cb
  10. I have alerted that he has a dispute open against him. He has 24 hours to respond and will be placed in the TWC usergroup as a precautionary measure. Like you said it is your word against his, if you can post the details of the proxy here it will be hidden for staff to see. We can then try and look into if the proxy has been resold or not. Anything else you could provide us with would be great, but without solid proof there is nothing we can do in this situation.
  11. Yeah it was on, i was in there for a good 5 mins before realising lol, I dunno this kind of idiot :p
  12. I went swimming with a phone once, tried the rice trick had no luck
  13. Varc

    Selling 1 def pure.

    Noted looking for more tho.
  14. Nice account with good potential, i just don't have the time to put into it. Has black gloves little to no work could get it miths. Has altar and glory in house so perfect for pking! 1. Pictures of the account stats - 2. Pictures of the login details - 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) - (Probably 1Mish) 4. Pictures of the quests completed - 5. The price you will be starting bids at - 5M 07. 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account - Yet to decide, will end bidding when i get an offer i feel is fair. 7. The methods of payment you are accepting - 07 or PP, depends on the person. 8. Your trading conditions - You go first unless you have more FB than me. Otherwise we will use an MM. 9. Account status - 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address - @TheRealJok3y is the original owner, i have had the account around 3 weeks with no issues. I will provide you with all the info i have upon purchase.
  15. You will be held liable for any bans or mutes according to the Global T.O.S rule 8. If the Service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S related to bans/mutes become obsolete (Unless evidence can be provided of prior botting) I shall verify the thread as users will be able to see this and know this rule applies to your services also! Good luck with your service.
  16. Varc

    Chat ban

    You were kicked and warned. Make an appeal don't go posting all over the forums when you are clearly in the wrong. Appeal here - http://osbot.org/forum/forum/111-chatbox-ban-appeals/
  17. I got exams to, not gonna keep me away from dem mod logs
  18. I have edited the parts of your thread where you refer to your off-site vouches as they are not valid here. The only feedback that is relevant is the feedback you gain on this site!
  19. It is primarily because people are either, done with that account and want gold to put into making another account or as stated above to prevent chargebacks.
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