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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Varc

  1. I personally have never considered it, i believe my Grandad's uncle was an air pilot in the 2nd world war. I have mad respect for anybody who puts their life on the line for their country!
  2. I'm going to say a bunch of gold farmers got pissed and payed people to do it/did it themselves or they have been targeted as they are notoriously known for being a shitty company
  3. This is the second dispute against this user and he has not been online for nearly 24 hours now, looks to me like a definite scam quit. I've gone ahead and banned @SFM if he ever wished to return he must refund you both in full, i am very sorry for your loss.
  4. There is a second dispute of similar circumstance against this user, looks to me like a definite scam quit attempt. He has not been online for nearly 24 hours now not only on OSBot but Skype as well. I am going to go ahead and ban @SFM if he ever wishes to return he must refund you and the other user who was scammed in full. I am sorry for your loss.
  5. I think the main reason people use bonds as they make the money to purchase them via botting and feel if the account gets banned they haven't really lost out on anything. Paying for membership via subscription would probably work out more costly and i personally cannot see it having much of an effect on the life span of the account.
  6. Varc


    The beard game is strong in you..
  7. GL bud, keep us all updated how you are getting on
  8. The Skype's do indeed match as i also have @SFM on Skype - do you have any proof of the items you had left on the account?
  9. Hi unfortunately you are going to have to provide us with some proof of what was on the account before you handed it over to begin the service, any screenshots you have of that would help us otherwise it is your word against his. Also could you provide us with a screenshot of the users 'view profile' on Skype. What i meant by you may get your stuff back is if indeed this was a scam then the user will have to refund you if he wishes to stay a member of our site. I also urged you to make this dispute as it may prevent others from falling victim to being scammed. I have alerted @SFM about the dispute and moved him to the TWC usergroup as a precautionary measure. He has 24 hours to respond or he will be banned.
  10. Varc


    If you have been scammed please fill out a report as you it gives you a chance to get your stuff back and may prevent others from being scammed - http://osbot.org/forum/forum/114-disputes/
  11. Varc


    Go drink some water dude damn them jokes suck
  12. Sorry to hear about the ban bud, don't give up ^_^
  13. Mickey mouse did what!? I'm so confused
  14. OK i can see this looks like the original owner who is banned has now recovered the account, I see your point how @RSH may of wanted to sell the account in fear of it being hacked back from him as well. However there is no proof of that. He has helped you try to recover the account to no avail, you have dealt with him again since. I see no reason for a negative feedback as he has not actually scammed you which is why negative feedback should be rewarded. Feel free to leave him a neutral feedback or leave none at all but the negative feedback is not justified and will remain removed. I am sorry for your loss but in the future remember the Original owner of an account can ultimately get an account back so choose carefully who you purchase from. Hope both parties are satisfied with this and it doesn't happen again. Thanks, Varc.
  15. From viewing the screenshots you have clearly tried to help @Hermitrage out, he is clearly not willing to accept this help as he has removed you on Skype and he has indeed provided no proof that the account has been hacked. If he fails to post any proof in 24 hours of the account being out of his possession this thread will be locked and the feedback will remain removed. I apologise for this being dragged out but i assure you i just want to ensure the right decision is made as it is quite a sticky situation. Thanks, Varc.
  16. Smashed the exam, had 7 pints absolutely leathered, back off out to see how much i can do till i pass out
  17. Thanks bud, you'll be sweet as a nut i'm sure, wish you all the best also ^_^ I'm out anyway gonna go get a McDonalds breakfast and head down to the exam centre! Marketing, this exam is Direct and Interactive Relationship Management (DIRM)
  18. 3 hour exam in 2 hours time, just thought i'd check in before I go tear this paper a new one! Curious as to when you guys finish for the summer
  19. The only reason i originally closed it this was because he said it was OK to. It is no fun losing something you paid for; he has a right to be mad he bought an account from you and within a week it was hacked back and he is now out of an account and out of what he payed for it. YOU stated you had full control of the account and to say that to somebody is a reassuring statement. How would you feel if the tables were turned? For you to think you can offload an account to somebody and that if it gets hacked back in a week you have no responsibility for at least trying to assist him to get the account back is wrong. I suggest you add each other on Skype again put your differences aside and at least try submitting a recovery ticket.
  20. OK if you feel that way i will remove the negative feedback, thanks for the speedy response. @Hermitrage has PM'd me requesting i reopen this as he feels he is indeed in the right. If he is to be right in this feedback dispute he will be able to leave you negative feedback again. I have already removed as he previously said he was OK with it.
  21. Ok we will wait on @Hermitrage to post, he has 24 hours to do so or the feedback will be removed.
  22. Can i ask when you purchased the account? Yes i know you stated the OO was banned but you are missing my point, saying you are in full control of an account is misleading.
  23. I have requested @Hermitrage posts here in order to clarify why he gave you the feedback. From what i can see you sold him an account that had been sold to you and the member had been banned. The thread which you posted the account sale on in regards to the original owner and email section states the user will get the email and all info. You state nothing on the actual thread that the original owner is a banned member, which you should do. Also in this screenshot shows you saying you have FULL CONTROL of the account. Now with you saying you have full control of the account that would be of reassurance to the buyer would it not? Also you requested the thread of the account in question to be locked, is there any reason behind why now of all times? I will wait on @Hermitrage to post here and see what he has to say. In the meantime please could you post a screenshot of 'view profile' on Skype so we can clarify whether or not this was indeed @Hermitrage you were talking to.
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