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Everything posted by MK MK

  1. i can do this for 23gp/xp
  2. can do fishing for 8m won't be able to do other stats needed discord is shady#3414
  3. can do this for 8gp/xp
  4. MK MK


    can do this for 1,3m
  5. Disputed member: OSBOTRutger discord OSBOTRutger#7324 Thread Link: Explanation: he was going to do a service for me 1070k strength xp for 8 gp/xp he told me it was going to be done in 2 days i noticed after 2 days he only did 80k xp and started ignoring me after already taking the gold off the account Evidence: [HIDDEN]
  6. MK MK

    77-84 str

    looking for a price check for 77-84 str on a 40 att acc can be easily afked at crabs also wondering how many days it would take
  7. looking for ds2 done leave me prices below
  8. just walk around on rs and u can see they are losing hard
  9. i never had an account that got locked if i made the account on same ip i bot with
  10. dam alot off people botting agility i see
  11. i just traded with my main never got banned did 50-500m like once or twice a year tho
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