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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. I can tell you the delay is not in getState. It's in one of your other methods.
  2. Sorry for the delay. For some reason I cant auth you, did Divinity already auth you? If not he will add you asap!
  3. Yea why areas dont have planes in osb api is beyond me. :P
  4. m8 I legit thought you were joking when you said you were going to make a script. l0l Good job m9
  5. Closing streams is programming 101. If you dont close streams the buffer might not get flushed and you can get unexpected results.
  6. NotATroll.jpg :doge:

    1. Anne


      nice likes, please continue my slave xxx

    2. Mysteryy


      Yes master :x

  7. If we could only be so lucky.
  8. Mysteryy


    :anne: or gtfo
  9. Our lord :anne: is reading this topic. All hail our master.
  10. Lets all give thanks to our master :anne: for allowing us this beautiful post count.
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