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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. Uhmm, are you saying to take the derivative of the time and clicks? These would simply be values, if you take the derivative of any constant, you simply get 0. There is no need to take the derivative? What I am understanding is you are trying to say we should record the time and mouse clicks and try to some how use the data to do something that you didnt even mention here? What are you even suggesting? Record mouse click points and speeds and then magically do something that will make botting undetectable?
  2. It was I'm just giving him shit. Botre knows I love him. new scripters wouled have a hard time understanding task based anyway, that is why everyone makes tutorials using states.
  3. The problem lies in the question. :p Its just an opinion, but nodes/task based tends to be cleaner, and you can reuse more code with it. Overall it has more capabilities and usually is more organized. Thats just my opinion but most people have used both, and I would bet you that most people choose node/task based in the end over states.
  4. Welcome, glad to see another contributor. ^_^
  5. Making me stop my bot and redownload. Damn you alek.
  6. We just released another update, did you see the update notes? :p Had a good amount of changes. ^_^
  7. Interesting to see languages other than java being used. I use python a decent amount, but have never made an attempt at video game development in it. Typically I use it for networking programs (using sockets), and for programming device interaction on Raspberry pi for some side embedded system type projects. I am currently working on a packet sniffing program in it for a class. Anyway, good luck. ^_^
  8. Im sure they will both give you a trial so you can decide yourself. :p
  9. I'll join but I luv anne and Oliver and div
  10. What mouse event are you using. Did you override the client mouse event and or register a new listener?
  11. put a log inside of your event and see if it registers the mouse press. This is how you should start debugging. Start at a high level and work your way down seeing what works and what doesnt.
  12. Mysteryy


    What did I just read.
  13. Combat works, I was just using it. Can you elaborate a bit on what you mean? Maybe specifics on what you were doing? Are you using mirror mode?
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