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Everything posted by 3ezi

  1. Don't let your bots look like bots, dress them a bit.
  2. Was your plan to bot on your main?
  3. I use apa rooftop and never really got banned for it just take breaks since no-one will do 3 hour runs on rooftops without breaks
  4. Good luck on your journey and I am glad to have you here on this forum
  5. Sure thing bro, you need breaks and I wouldn't recommend botting for a long time
  6. I don't think this is an account he wants to risk.
  7. I think this is really a thing yes.
  8. What kinds of settings do you use?
  9. Around 15M for all, do you have mail access for the accounts?
  10. Like, pull them together instead of having them all over the place. Try to hide them as much as you can.
  11. Do cable management please and clean up your room. 4/10
  12. Isnt runeplunder RS3 stats only?
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