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Everything posted by 3ezi

  1. I think you got a typo in your design, it says minimum instead of maximum GLWS
  2. 3ezi

    Molly's Thiever

    Can I have a trial?
  3. The script is free xd
  4. I use "bestproxyandvpn" those are private proxies but is kinda expensive.
  5. RIP, paid scripts are more advanced as free ones most of the time. Just ask for trails and test them out
  6. 3ezi

    75 WC+

    I need accounts with 75 WC+, state your price below and we'll negotiate from there on. - 3ezi
  7. The delay counter stays at 0 for me - High Alching
  8. hm do you sell it for?
  9. 3ezi


    He's on it give it some time my dude
  10. 3ezi

    82 fishing

    Botted or hand-done?
  11. Most advanced script I've ever used. Keep it up
  12. 3ezi

    APA Rooftop Agility

    I love this script, best agility script out there imo. keep it up bro
  13. Damn dude, nice one. Next time try only to make a picture of the client
  14. You're right, most of the people don't even active bot and complain after..
  15. 3ezi

    Need Firecape done

    Be careful with who're trading with
  16. Yea your IP might be flagged. Bot on a fresh proxy
  17. There are some services on here that might get you unbanned,
  18. <1M depends if you did some quests or not.
  19. So what's your point? You botted so u were in the wrong?
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