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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. This is actually a nice idea. I’d do this but I’m not for gambling so rip.
  2. Solar eclipses are amazing. 12 hours is nothing. People play RS for longer than that in a day...every day.
  3. I have to check. I used to think a lot of people were trolling before but they were just retards trying to play cool.
  4. Not sure if stupid or trolling. Yes. That's what I wrote. Not sure why you're talking like it's a surprise. I have a nice car and I like to drive anyway so it doesn't bother me. I drive to Canada a couple times from NY also. Why is it an issue to you if I want to drive somewhere? Also, a solar eclipse is pretty rare and a wondrous sight to see. You may be interested if you mature a bit instead of trying to act cool or be funny. It happens every 1.5 years, approximately. Where do you live? There's a complete solar eclipse every 1.5 years. The last one that was in the US was around 40 years ago. Not sure where you're getting your info from but it's completely wrong. It is a nice thing to behold but your times are way off. You should definitely go for it. It'll be worth it. I don't think so. If you do, it'll only be a slight, partial eclipse and not a total one.
  5. There's a solar eclipse on August 21st. Anyone going to watch it or anyone already in the area to just look out of their home window? I'm driving 12 hours down to South Carolina to watch it.
  6. First mistake you made was not using a middleman. Second mistake was going first. Third was attempting to buy an account...you can use a middleman and not go first and still get scammed. Hopefully this will at least be a lesson to you.
  7. Youre not worth arguing with. Cheers, dude.
  8. I'm a high school kid and so you're calling me names. That makes you feel good about yourself?
  9. I realize the truth hurts but instead of cursing at me you should actually try to accept criticism. It’s not always a thing. Just depends on how you take it.
  10. Are these all recent issues or long lasting issues? I haven't really had any issues purchasing vouchers and it comes in instantly. I normally use my PayPal and it deducts from my bank so not my PayPal balance or I just use my card.
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