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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Where'd your orange run off to?

    1. Levi



    2. RoomScape


      You better go catch it. :/

  2. Then people shouldn't post personal stuff.
  3. Wtf is that second item, the agi course tokens or whatever?
  4. I honestly don't see that happening.
  5. Ahh, must be racist.
  6. OBAMA You won election and re election. Something as miniscule as being promoted to mod should be nothing to you.
  7. I think there'll be at least one more mod. Who will it be?
  8. Went to sleep trial mod. Woke up global mod. Got promoted for sleeping.
  9. looooool Pretty funny, tbh.
  10. Wtf is this, when did you get global? Oh, he is CBA, could've sworn he was trial... Wtf is going on?
  11. Anyone else but me noticed it's mostly in alphabetical order? O.o
  12. That awkward moment when you started every convo and annoyed the person until they replied saying stfu and you posted this pic trying to seem popular.
  13. I don't think so, it's unbearable to be honest.
  14. You're just mad because eliot loves me instead of you.
  15. RoomScape masterrace. It really isn't, but then again, if you're a kid without a job and usually don't have much money...it is.
  16. Don't hate me cuz you ain't me.
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