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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Sold him some gold yesterday, nice and friendly guy! Also, very fast trader. +1
  2. uhh, then wouldn't Facebook be considered one..?
  3. Double check, though. :p3. Advertising It is not allowed to post any URL to another community, commercial website, or bot. Doing so will result in a warning. Excessively spamming of an URL will result in an immediate suspension of your account. Yeah, just botting/communities and stuff. Edit: what's a commercial website..?
  4. I don't think facebook links are against the rules. Just other botting sites or blackmarket sites of rs sites or stuff like that, lol.
  5. I'm on that ass. :$

    1. Dylan


      hell nahh.

    2. RoomScape


      In your dreams.

  6. PM an admin. It's such a small change I don't think it should matter. Else, you'll have to buy VIP for $10.
  7. I can't say I didn't expect that. Well, not that you could find, anyway.
  8. I don't know what to think, lol. I hear he's been hacked, and I hope that's the case, but I don't know.
  9. Firstly, did staff ban his brother's account? And, honestly, it's weird how he had a scam quit right after his brother came to forums. O.o Isn't it?
  10. I'm still looking for mine to give, but I can't find it.
  11. I think he meant for public use rather than just staff use.
  12. Sorry, I was looking for stickied threads and must've missed the announcement. :p
  13. Jagex botting world. If jagex believes you're botting, they teleport you to that world. It's watched moreso than the regular world, so be careful and leave right away. inb4ban
  14. Always limited by IP.B... -.-
  15. I'd like the $10 refunded, please. It was taken out of my account and I didn't want to renew at the moment, so can I get it refunded? Thanks. Purchased product: I didn't purchase anything. Wished refund method: (Refund with Paypal, refund with account credit) Account credit. Reason for refund: I didn't purchase anything.
  16. I didn't click it. I didn't see any credit in the main page of the store, so I went to buy a voucher thinking I should see it when I buy something saying apply credit to balance, but that box was never there. It just said pay, so I left. I cancelled the invoices that were pending, but nothing happened yet. Guess I'll have to wait for an admin to look at it.
  17. I did the $5 testing it out to see if it would pop up when ordering since I didn't see it in the store, but I didn't see it by the purchase part either.
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