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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. What would cause store credit to randomly disappear?
  2. I was just randomly checking and I don't see any of my credit... I had $16 + some odd change left on my account and now I don't have anything. Can you please check up on this? I updated my thread at 4:55 PM saying I have $16 left and I haven't sold any vouchers since then, so what happened?
  3. Considering I haven't posted outside of spam yet, nice fail.
  4. Talk shit, get hit. Mess with the best, get shitted on like the rest.
  5. Why tf are you derailing my thread? the amazon one was a troll in the chat box, 13/14 aren't false and 15 has been added upon request.
  6. Selling bonds and vouchers; swapping GP!

  7. I stopped bothering with that. Mods seem to be having fun with it, anyway.
  8. lmao, I should be the osbot news anchor.
  9. If I've missed something, please let me know. @Amazon - he's hacked. - he scammed (also got banned from the site that he owns - supposedly hacked @Gilgad and t**bot). @James - he got scammed. @Gilgad - he was hacked, but no longer is. @Catastrophe - he's now trial mod. @Levi - he lost his ex-staff. @Jordan - got demoted and lost his ex-staff. @Eliot - he got demoted (he's also selling a $56 voucher for PP). @Laz, @Maxi and @Zach - all got demoted from Admins to Dev (whether it's a demotion, promotion or neither is up to you). @Alek - now blue, although it is a demotion since black looked a lot better. @Maldesto - gay for @Smart. @Nick - gay for @Maldesto. @RoomScape - not gay, but sells stuff. @Smart - isn't all that smart...also powerabuses. @irwtonrs1 - is gay. - wants a name change to get rid of his '80'.
  10. 5 minutes or 5 hours, wasted time is all the same. Nonetheless, your ratings didn't seem to have fallen the slightest, so you're still dominating.
  12. I'll just leave this here. http://osbot.org/forum/forum/6-
  13. Gilgad's ratings are about to take a hit.
  14. Too much work. I'll do it later.
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