If I've missed something, please let me know.
@Amazon - he's hacked.
- he scammed (also got banned from the site that he owns - supposedly hacked @Gilgad and t**bot).
@James - he got scammed.
@Gilgad - he was hacked, but no longer is.
@Catastrophe - he's now trial mod.
@Levi - he lost his ex-staff.
@Jordan - got demoted and lost his ex-staff.
@Eliot - he got demoted (he's also selling a $56 voucher for PP).
@Laz, @Maxi and @Zach - all got demoted from Admins to Dev (whether it's a demotion, promotion or neither is up to you).
@Alek - now blue, although it is a demotion since black looked a lot better.
@Maldesto - gay for @Smart.
@Nick - gay for @Maldesto.
@RoomScape - not gay, but sells stuff.
@Smart - isn't all that smart...also powerabuses.
@irwtonrs1 - is gay.
- wants a name change to get rid of his '80'.