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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. It's not what it looks like!
  2. I once ordered a pizza and the guy wouldn't accept my bank card because it was one of those new cards banks give you. It was named out to 'preferred customer' or something like that. The woman said my name on my license isn't 'preferred customer', so she couldn't accept it. Pizza was $20 something and I was scruffling through my pants' pocket looking for some money. I managed to find almost 20 singles and paid the rest (about $5 or so) with spare change. Luckily, the woman was nice and patient.
  3. I should leave OSBot and never return. Then you'll all cry for me to come back, but I won't. I'll just leave with a smile on my face and not a care in the world.
  4. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/47815-help-combat-impostors/
  5. Reality is a very frightening.
  6. They're cool. People like cool things. I could write up an argument as to how beneficial they'd be, but I don't care about it enough to do so. Why don't we make a vote for it? O.o
  7. I wonder if anyone would even consider my opinion since everyone's hating on bond sellers and they'll call me biased. :| This has been implemented, somewhat, already. Hasn't it? I noticed an increase from 35 to 50 fb for services and transactor and from 50 to 100 for VMM.
  8. Pro tip: When you do something good, people forget quickly. When you do something wrong, people remember indefinitely.
  9. You can have a PM draft and then post a real thread when you want it released. Or there could be a sdn section that's private, much like the appeals section.
  10. I can edit it all I want and I can copy the bbc code and post it in the chat and on forums as a thread or post. I can also add someone to a PM if I want to make a big thread and ask for opinions/changes and we can work on it as a team. It's a lot simpler than creating a private section. Not sure if that's possible on IP.B, but idk.
  11. How would you do it? Make a section where only you can see your own threads and staff? It'll be simpler to do what I said above. Send someone a PM but save as draft. That's what I do when I'm typing stuff up and want it saved.
  12. I send someone a PM then save it as a draft.
  13. Will you extend it to August 1st in August? ;)
  14. Then screenie it you fag.
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