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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Be creative. I have favorite colors, but I don't know how well it'll mix with the avatar. Just don't have something like pink or anything.
  2. Need it for Skype. I would like no botting logo reference - I have RS friends in Skype. I'm not planning on paying anything, but let me know how much you want. Not looking to pay anything ridiculous since it's just an avatar - unless I love it so much that I'll be willing to pay. Just my name would be fine. Something simple, but not too simple. I'd like designs and stuff, bla bla. Let me know, thanks.
  3. This is the only round.
  4. Wtf you say to me m8? Come into the chatbox. :ph34r:Let's finish this there.
  5. Shit post from a shit user with shit accounts.
  6. Shit reply for a shit user on a shit thread.
  7. He came back just to tell you that you're shit.
  8. I do more than just bonds, but ok.
  9. Honestly.., I did this one time with a trusted user (may have even been staff at the time) on another site. I left them fb before they completed my service and then they didn't finish and started ignoring me. They did about 20% of the work. They never did anything and I wrote a scam report on them that went nowhere because I was new and that user was big so I got shitted on. That guy ultimately agreed to give me a 20% refund to satisfy me. I was mad but took it since I doubt I would've gotten anything the other way. Moral of this post: don't leave fb before the service is completed or you'll more than likely get shitted on.
  10. Become #1 feedback'd. Once I've reached this goal, I can happily retire from the market. I should be #3 shortly, hopefully. Next will take me a bit to get #2. ;)
  11. I don't know if this is really possible unless you add yet another rank...
  12. FREE@solononforever!!!!!!11
  13. I do that on a daily basis. What you know bout that life? Edit: I found you.
  14. There's a difference between being racist and joking around.
  15. That'd be crazy. O.o Wouldn't that thing give them headaches, though?
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