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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. It was a mistake and he had to wait 5 minutes to leave another fb so he left and never left me new fb. y u do dis Now I have a negative. :|
  2. Not sure if that's possible, but it would be nice. First could show only positives; second, neutrals; third, negatives; fourth, everything. Make the wording links. Would be great if IP.B allows it.
  3. lol'd I used to be active on the RS forums. Have 2k or something posts. It's a pretty fun place and nice community.
  4. I just find it suspicious how two people claimed the same thing with the same situation within a week or two... This one was closed then something happened and now he's saying someone else was on his account. How do we know that didn't happen last time also? What's the odds of me lending you my account and then items go missing? Too much of a coincidence to blame it on a hack/virus on either end since this is now the second time. But whatever.
  5. What about the first guy that got scammed? http://osbot.org/forum/topic/47304-
  6. Yeah, they always seem to come back, lol.
  7. It should be put under news and announcement > site. That would be the ideal location.
  8. The bottom two are just cluttering up that section.
  9. ^ Community discussion - Only topic really belonging there is my topic about impostors. Bottom two belong in Announcements > Site and the above two belong don't really belong in there - I'd suggest for them to be in the OSBot discussion section, but that's since been disbanded. Verified Ranks should be removed. PayPal/Skype blacklists - arctic and alek - should be combined into one instead of two separate ones. Global ToS can almost only be in services, but it's kind of essential for other threads, so that would be fine in every section. I do feel that the PayPal guide by Ironhide should only really be in the gold section, though. Just my two cents.
  10. Wait! I've always thought that was just the icon to leave someone feedback...O.o
  11. It doesn't matter what you do. You can't stop someone from charging back - unless you do something like Skrill or PA. All you can do is trade a trusted user. Would you rather get 2.5/m and lose it all or do 2.2/m from someone trusted and keep the money?
  12. Eww, why the ugly name change, bro?

    1. League Of Smurfs

      League Of Smurfs

      Was when i released my site lol. I won't pay $5 to change it back lol.

      I barely even use this site soooo yeah.

    2. RoomScape


      Gimme 5m and I'll get you VIP.

  13. RIP Verified rank. Someone snitched on you.
  14. The site/game was down for some people. It's working for me now.
  15. Skype is retarded. I wish we could still use MSN. That was the best.
  16. I have a live account and I believe it to be safer since I use a private e mail no one knows about. They need your log in info to 'hack' your Skype account. Regular skypes are just plain and your log in is displayed to everyone. With live accounts, the login is hidden and only you know it.
  17. I was thinking this, but never got around to making a thread about it, lol. I've also noticed that there's a lot of pinned threads in the community discussion section.
  18. Ok... But I don't get how that's relevant to this thread. O.o
  19. I'm coming for you. ;o

  20. I don't take many pictures of myself.
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