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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. If it's increased, they should have to meet the requirements just like everyone else.
  2. At least I have a reason. You're a whore just to be one.
  3. Let me know when's the funeral. I'll be sure to avoid it.
  4. Cata is having fun talking to himself. :p
  5. Not sure what is considered advertising to commercial sites, but certain sites like adf.ly should be considered advertising. If anything, make it allowable to sponsors or donors.
  6. It was working a half hour ago.
  7. This site is growing and so is the market. I think it should be upped to 150 or 200 fb, possibly. That's just my opinion, though.
  8. I agree. This site is growing and we should compensate by escalating the verified requirements.
  9. Wonder how many people are going to make threads because of that post...
  10. Summoning: Maldesto, the OSBot God! ^ That's how title should be...
  11. I suggest you contact either @Ghetto or @snaes. First one made my lovely avatar and second made my awesome signature.
  12. Did you really give that face a mole?
  13. I honestly can't take you seriously with that avatar.
  14. Too easy to google questions. That test would just be a challenge to see who can either type, search or copy/paste the fastest.
  15. Or $10, doesn't honestly matter much to me. I need ideas. A random number generator is so dull and pointless to participate in. I want something where people earn it and don't just hope they get lucky. Gimme ideas.
  16. Post count, more than likely. However, instead of quoting his post/replying to it - and having them now have the urge to reply back to it - why not just report it as spam and have it end right then and there? Replying to what people say usually makes them either defend themself or get out another point for the hell of it. Not replying and just reporting gets rid of all that nonsense.
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