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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Inspect element, mate. You want CBA so bad that you're faking it? Wow...
  2. I guess 4 star rating is for losers also?
  3. Yo! Why aren't you on skype anymore? :|

    1. Quaz


      Had some irl problems to sort out =/. Haven't really been in the mood.

    2. RoomScape


      Ahh. :(

      Hope everything's alright! Get on skype when you're feeling better. :P

  4. Why not just quote it in the thread itself?
  5. What's your Skype?

    1. Nezz



      Added to profile. :D

  6. I'm scared to post there asking for my tos to be verified. I don't want the banhammer curse.
  7. I find it funny how you used a coupon and still ended up paying more than the pizza costs. He's been spamming all day. >.>
  8. RoomScape


    I'm usually busy throughout the day from trading to dealing with stuff on skype to irl stuff. when I do trades, I tell people to fb me and I usually don't fb them until later that night or the next morning. I fb everyone all at once and having to wait 5 minutes per fb is annoying.
  9. RoomScape


    I've seen these before and they kind of die off relatively quickly. :|
  10. RoomScape


    Can't certain ranks bypass the limit? Surely those people won't be fb farming.
  11. ..... That avatar suits you perfectly.
  12. 20m and 12 bonds isn't big... But yeah, that's pathetic. He wanted to buy 10/20 bonds from us and we said 2 and rest later. He took the two and ran. :|
  13. This honestly makes no sense whatsoever. With that logic, every rank will feel superior to you because you have no rank. Also, vise versa. Every rank will feel superior to regular members since they have no rank. Adding a rank or two as upgrades to an already existing rank won't make much of a difference. I have $100 donor. I have Lifetime Sponsor. I have a verified rank. I have CBA. I would already feel superior to you, if that were the case. Exchanging my $100 for a $250/$500 wouldn't do much of a difference.
  14. You had proof? I'm talking about if I see a user doing trades and think they're going to scam... I shouldn't just be able to say I think he'll scam and that user should be banned without proof.
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