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Everything posted by caesar78

  1. It gives cooking xp and imo will be a great anti ban Also maybe add an option to feed your cat
  2. When re-aggro, the bot walks/runs too far away resulting in xp waste other than that it's okay.
  3. Is it possible to add an option to knife the leaping trout and salmon?
  4. You're good mate - it's all working now.
  5. To be fair, nobody is going to tell you any decent, best or top gold farming bots for obvious reasons. Your best bet is to go out and experiment.
  6. I got some feature called disk clean up on my bit defender (anti virus), it accidentally deleted my osbot folder without me paying attention. Since nobody sent me a replacement, I had to download a recovery program called EaseUS and use that to scan my hard drive and recover the lost files. Then placed them back into C drive worked like a charm.
  7. Tried that already same result. It's kind of hard when I don't have a folder to delete haha damn
  8. I get this option then I press install then it says failed to install webwalk. Does anybody have the files I can manually put them in my C drive.
  9. It's strangely enough not there, I've search the whole of my directory I simply cannot find anything. This is strange... Anybody else having issues?
  10. My client is saying failed to load webwalker, any suggestions? I'm unable to find any osbot folder in my C drive.
  11. Hi, I'm using mirror mode and when I try run your bot it doesn't even load. Am I doing something wrong?
  12. Thank you very much - 99 Firemaking acquired in one week on my iron. 100% recommend this script.
  13. Methods please? Which agility course till what levels. Thanks
  14. That's complete bullshit, after splashing was nurfed to 20 minutes like 9 months ago I ran your script 24/7 and never got banned got 99 magic so thank you for that.
  15. Could you give me a guide on what you fished from what levels?
  16. When and what script did you use?
  17. Ah yes, this one.. 100% AVOID PEOPLE.
  18. Do not bot agility in catherby full stop.
  19. Is it possible to add an option to select the percentage it eats at as my character is 10 hp and keeps dying in wildy course. Also the bot clicks on the cake straight after clicking on the obstacle resulting in not processing the heal till later on in the course which may be too late as I get stacked out by the skeletons
  20. caesar78


    Damn that's a shame i'm just worried that if it travel to the rock using the minimap with one click and does it 100/100 in 1 to 3 hours it may be a little obvious, I may have to stick to the 2 rocks then may be a little easier for the bot to travel without mapping the exact tile on the minimap
  21. caesar78


    It looks a little better now but still got an issue. It will constantly after banking it will click on the mini map and always land at the same exact spot for the tile which is good but sometimes we need variation where it will click on the mini map and then once it goes closer to the spot it will be off the right tile by a few squares then it will manually click on the right tile (more human like) If I don't select stick to the starting tile it starts running around the 3 rocks rather than staying in one position.
  22. caesar78


  23. caesar78


    I didn't realise how broken this bot is, your fetching bot was good but this one needs a lot of work
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