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Everything posted by caesar78

  1. caesar78


    I just bought this bot for mining guild, selected my own custom iron rocks, specified that its mining guild bank and it just stands there and does nothing?
  2. Is it possible to get the bot to set the quantity of 14 in the bank and just left click on the bow and bow string in the bank (while withdrawing) instead of having to right click and select the 14 for each?
  3. 2019 and people still asking about ban rates LOL
  4. caesar78

    Explv's Walker

    Please can you update the map as draynor village has changed.
  5. Which locations does this bot spin flax at?
  6. Wonderful script, good for short term goals for quests etc
  7. Great script, flawlessly runs without any trouble at all (Canafis) Would 100% recommend it.
  8. Hey, was wondering if someday osbot would make it so that after using a certain script for a certain time it will automatically run the next script and then the next just to give it variation. I dunno just an idea.
  9. Sounds like you were chain banned for botting using the same ip address. I'd suggest to do some research on how to bot rather than mouthing osbot for your mistakeS. ("THANKS")
  10. It's hard for me to give the exact location it happens however if you run the bot at varrock course and look at your mini map you'll see that at some point within the course it will click before the action is complete then wait for a few seconds then retry, also it was picking up the marks of grace at the first spawn in varrock course however when the spawn changed the bot was just walking past it.
  11. Hi Chris, I noticed at agility course at varrock, during the middle of the course, it clicks a little too early resulting in the bot to pause for a few seconds and then correct itself, it is repetitively happening so it may need a fix to avoid bans.
  12. Honestly, there hasn't been any evidence of mirror being better than injection but I truly believe it comes down to the bot used, the amount of time and variation used etc.. Sorry to hear about your account, my max account was banned too. It's all good brother, keep it moving and bot safely.
  13. Please update this post when it is fixed and tested as I'd like to invest in this bot
  14. Could I please get an update on this script.
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