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Everything posted by caesar78

  1. Does this support giant seaweed patch?
  2. Does this support or will this support giant seaweed farm runs as part of bird house runs?
  3. 2 months still going strong I should have 99 fishing in 20 days :D. Agility is not worth it either hand grind or pay someone to grind it.
  4. Does script support teleports using explorers ring, ardy cape, home portal teleport for hossidius patches?
  5. At what point will you start adding this feature?
  6. Does this script support making ultra/super compost?
  7. Hi Khaleesi, When can we expect an update which supports cats? P.S i've been using your script from 1 - 93 fishing - not banned Thank you so much should have 99 fishing in the next 30 days.
  8. Since today, I noticed whenever I disconnect from the game, the client doesn't attempt to login like it use to. The bot just carries on "fishing" and can't detect that i'm dced from the game.
  9. Did you change something with the dropping of the fish? It does this really crazy dropping at random slots in my invo and its become really bot like.
  10. Will this support other locations in the future?
  11. What can I do to fix the issue?
  12. Could you release a paid version of this script please.
  13. Are you not going to fix your script? It's unusable
  14. Keep it up, you're doing well for yourself
  15. You're great! Thank you. Just curious, is it normal for the bot to drop fish really slowly?
  16. I need to use this script however I am unable to do so. Please fix making maple long bow (u)'s
  17. Please fix your bot. im unable to bank the maple long u's after fletching them to get more maple logs in the invo.
  18. How hard would it be for the bot to feed the cat every once 15 - 20 minutes / give it attention every 15 - 20 minutes as a check box in the GUI? I think that would be a unique selling point especially for iron man users.
  19. Could you confirm the dropping and other options you used to achieve this within the settings
  20. Just bought the script and the dropping methods for barb fishing is very bot like. Maybe have a few leaping trout or salmon "miss click" while attempting to drop rather than dropping the whole stack easily within seconds every time.
  21. Do you plan on supporting 3 tick barb fishing?
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