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Everything posted by cryptoed

  1. Currently having the same issue. It happens in a few instances but not all. Reloading the script seems to fix it. The issue seems to be interacting with the npcs. The bot just idles there. Console log outputs nothing. Update: Game annotations like "Nothing interesting happens." "You recieved a bar of bronze." "Someone else is already fighting that." seem to throw it off.
  2. Atm it doesn't. Would be a nice addition. The current parameters are the one's mentioned in the main post. It has a logout on finish parameter though. A hacky way you can use to close the client is by getting it's process id on startup and killing the id after an expected time of script finishing.
  3. but you can't verify them with non legit emails or have 1 email for all. Can you?
  4. People know how it's done, but are too lazy / don't have time to do it. That's why they pay for it.
  5. When Cooking sometimes it has use "item" selected and it fails to go down the stairs. Location: Edgeville stove. Tutorial Island: It was trying to reach the financial advisor without going through the door. Firemaking at Draynor: Cpu went rouge after a while. Calculating best firemaking path is my guess.
  6. Oh! Never occurred to me that i could do that. And thanks for adding the break addition.
  7. cryptoed

    Stealth Quester

    Nope You need to set the preset and you can save it for future use.
  8. -The camera movement on agility seem too fixed and unnecessary. -Could you add a "manual break" task? So we can set it between the other tasks. It could be afk or logout for a certain time. -An option to remove tasks would be helpful. Like a little x in the side of the task box.
  9. -Instead of attacking the npc again when splashing could it just interact with some other random thing like moving to the inventory tab or the levels tab,checking xp. -Is the interaction timing any bit random? -Could you make so we can set the range of randomness in the interaction interval? Like between 14mins 19mins etc...
  10. Hello I am interested in a script that buys exact amount of items and whichever items i like to Is there a script like that around here ?
  11. Some stuff i've noticed. -Get's stuck on turning on the "shift drop" option in advanced. Mouse idles there until you manually fix it. -Get's stuck on waiting for an individual order to fill on grand exchange. Could you queue up the orders so they can be done all in once not separately? -On Pause Script still has control over the cursor. (Keeps moving it outside the screen even when i try to use the mouse)
  12. cryptoed

    Stealth Quester

    Ernest the chicken - it bugs out on grand exchange and it keep withdrawing and depositing 5 falador teleports
  13. Current Stock: 2000m+ Price Btc/Eth/Ltc: / 0.83-0.85 If you want to buy, please post below or pm me. We can use a middleman if you desire. Gold will be delivered after 2 confirmations in blockchain. (Btc)
  14. i run the script and the charachter stays on the same place doesnt move. ? trying to do draynor rooftops
  15. cryptoed

    Stealth Quester

    https://gyazo.com/79b3741600e473aa9c29cd6058795295 having this issue that it banks all that stuff whic withdraws ? It died on the quest before so im redoing it
  16. How long did u use it for bro that u got ban ?
  17. Doesnt click on Net to Fish raw Shrimp on lumby swamp fix ? nvm works now some bug i guess
  18. The bans are all over the place its no longer safe haha Their new "system"or whatever they put up is noticing the pattern of the script and even 1 hour of botting WILL get u banned Fruity will need to come with an overhaul of the script to probably bypass their watch for zul bots i guess
  19. The script gets detected in a day with 2-4hr bot
  20. Anyone been test running if they got banned or not ?
  21. Is that the new script out for everyone ?
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