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Everything posted by prompt

  1. Also maybe add a few different logout points instead of just the GE Area, maybe a few spots in varrock Edit - It also dies by them varrock wizards very occasionally depending on where its started from, maybe a little helper would be that if the shrimp / bread you start with in in inventory then eat to survive, same with to reduce mugger deaths maybe,
  2. Just wondering, im a noob dont know shit, but I have my PC, JRE java 8 or w/e, ram leaks yeah fine whatever but it goes 1.5GB max, if left open for days. However on another PC, same specs same everything JRE java 8 it will use a fuckload more ran and go up to 2GB sometimes and alot quicker too. Why dafuq is this, doesnt bother me on the second one as I have plenty of ram but im curious. I lied different OS systems im just an idiot, but still this difference how comes?
  3. Coffin is fine since that door fix I didn't clarify apologies (think it was just the doors and walking stuck thing again), only issue now is the mugger deaths sometimes which I'm not sure would be too easy to solve, maybe find a point you can take him too a bit far away from the room, then activate run to in room and close door? but idk if thats a good fix or not. Maybe run to a safespot, hop worlds? But as I said before, the updates you do to this script are great and quick and I love it, much appreciated mate.
  4. Experiment with bot times, with the times I bot, accs last from the 6-24 hour range but 99% are nuked after suiciding for 24hrs, well more like 20/24 but still.
  5. Door issue is defo fixed now, tested closing opening doors pausing restarting etc it seems perfect on that front now, cheers.
  6. Yeah not in lumbridge no quests started sounds good, I know this is a free script and I don't understand how it's written, but if randomisation of quest order could be implemented would be perfect. Although I already use this script alot and despite a few of it's issues which you've said you're working on (the mugger one and coffin one still an issue sometimes) it's free and is incredibly useful even with just slight manual interaction and script resets sometimes. Goodluck on fixing the issues and again, thanks for the script. Edit again - I have found the issue I believe, the door works if script is ran from beginning, if it's paused and it can't open a door (which as people are buying the tuts that start in varrock, I assume they are manually teleporting to lumby and then unpausing, it gets stuck in a loop spamming walking in logger and will stay stuck at that tile, restarting script and it's fine. Hope I was helpful and not just talking nonsense Sorry for any grammar or if I don't make sense I'm what one may call crossfaded fucking millionth edit, i lied ignore everything I say maybe idk why its getting stuck, stuck at coffin again too, I'll stop wasting everyones time with my posts lol. Mad Caspar v2
  7. Maybe a GUI with what spells you want to use as you level up?
  8. Any chance you could add a check if in lumbridge, if not then use lumby teleport? Will test new update later -- Tested, no longer getting stuck at that tile in the beginning, much appreciated mate good job will update if anything else goes wrong but seems all good my brother, Another edit seems dodgy with coffin area door and opening again, i'll just wait a while for webwalking to sort itself out or w/e is going on, usable enough atm anyway with some interacting Heres the logger stuck at coffin, on latest version you posted as use at own discrection ;P It gets stuck at that part after opening coffin, or maybe if someone else does, then stays stuck at a tile and spams walking, if you restart script carries on fine
  9. Here's what happens when script is started from lumby bank at top, will walk downstairs and get stuck on a tile and that's the logger until I move it, at which point sometimes it opens doors, sometimes it doesn't. Once it's past the walking class / whatever it's called, it wont try to open to door at all and will spam Interacting with in the logger hope this helps, webwalking for dah winn
  10. Sorry no, to clarify. Script started in lumby bank, goes downstairs and gets stuck there until I manually help it along, after that it seems fine opening doors and talking to duke and rest of script runs perfect.
  11. ][01/31 03:52:10 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 03:52:14 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 03:52:18 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 03:52:22 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 03:52:26 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 03:52:30 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 03:52:35 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 03:52:39 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 03:52:43 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. Happens everytime whilst my character comes from lumby top bank, goes down stairs, gets stuck at that tile and spams that Door issue seems fine now tho, no problems there anymore.
  12. prompt

    Explv's Walker

    No working been working fine for days now
  13. Noticed the doors thing too, if they're open, script runs fine otherwise I've watched it get stuck at the first door in lumby multiple times spamming "I cant reach that" or whatever it is, also got stuck in wizard door a few times. Think it was around the time OSbot did some webwalking updates so could be that but I don't know shit.
  14. prompt

    Explv's Walker

    Getting the same issue as above, and I am on windows 7 professional 64 bit, however I have a VM on the exact same, and it works just fine on there, don't know if that helps but strange nonetheless. *Edit - Think it may have been OSbot update actually, that was the case this morning but I realise now in my stoned mind that one version was updated and one wasnt, just checked now and both don't work what a waste of time post this was
  15. Yeah I did notice alot more bans at times where I'd usually rarely be banned before. Some accounts are still slipping through the net for a while but they definitely seem to be getting banned quicker as of late in my experiences anyways.
  16. prompt

    Molly's Thiever

    Could I please get a trial please? thanks
  17. Decent, never usually win things cheers mate
  18. prompt

    Stealth Quester

    Trial would be appreciated, thanks
  19. Got banned on my main for 2 days, probably overusing lol, anyways as of recently I can't get back the drop down information menu once i've hidden it, until i restart script, can't give any details now but tomorrow I can send whatever logs you need let me know Edit : infact none of it is interactable, can't click on status experience etc, weird only happening sometimes One more thing, would it be possible to add how many arrows you want to keep on you when ranging, for example set it to 200, and when it gets low to that threshold have it withdraw back to original value. cheers
  20. Hey, really great script I like it working well for me, however one thing I noticed was that a lot of the time when being attacked the bot will try to click another monster, sometimes repeatedly which is probably causing a bit of exp loss.
  21. Would appreciate a trial of this script please
  22. Would appreciate if I could get a trial of this script, cheers
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