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Warp Roelofs

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  1. Can it do the full run with 0 deaths?
  2. Hi @Heiz Could i get a trial for this please?
  3. The user has now refunded me, and everything has been returned to him + confirmed.
  4. I took the Gmail account because it was mine? I litteraly haven’t done any form of manipulating, and I can screenshare everything on Discord of what i said is true. If you try to change anything at all on the account, it will ask you to send a sms verification to one of his old attached phone numbers - my phone number doesn’t show up as an option. And the account has been under “Critical risk” since I got it. Meaning that at any time - being 1 month from now or 2 years Goopie can take the account back without any trouble at all. And yea, he can do so without the email as well, but I’m guessing it would be easier for him with the email. I wasn’t interested in a refund until I found out after x days of having the gmail account, that it won’t “unattach” itself from his phone numbers/info. what would you recommend me to do here? I can proof all of this. Goopie did also assure me that this warning will go away in at least one week, but it’s still there. What do I do? I’m scared of using the OSRS account and even more scared of logging out of the gmail account (or clearing my cookies) because idk if I can even log back in again without his help. Which isn’t ideal. Sorry these arent Imgur links as usual, I’m on my phone. but here is some proof that goopie said everything Will be transferred over to my information after a week or few days, and it has been longer. https://ibb.co/dKsCbBG https://ibb.co/W64ksSr
  5. I've received the gmail account on the 20th of august - a few days after this dispute opened. The gmail account is however under "Critical risk" meaning, that even though I got access to the account and it being under my password and 2FA, whenever you go to recover the account on a manual recovery, it will list his phone numbers and old information as a part of the recovery information. Meaning he can take the GMAIL account back at anytime. FYI: The user is also already back to selling more vorkath accounts, as seen on the screenshot here: Overall, I would say the user and his actions is suspicious. He only started messaging me after the dispute opened up, and has been the past days (if not weeks) begging me to get him unbanned on OSBot. The account hasn't been touched since I've purchased it - as recommended from @Maldesto - I was told to x'fer anything important on the account (if i had any) and not touch the account. So at this point, I would very much like a refund if that's possible, since the gmail account attached to the account has so many problems (still attached to his old stuff, and for some reason wont "unattach" his info) also him being slow on responding/only responding when a dispute was opened is distrustful.
  6. - You should hop in his discord server where he answers most of his questions. Link to his discord is here: https://discord.gg/CGHsd4a
  7. Disputed member: Goopie1051 Thread Link: No Thread, the account in question was advertised on a fellow script creators Discord, evidence will be provided. Explanation: Hello OSBot Admins, I've opened this thread to bring attention to a issue I encountered recently involving a user named Goopie1051. On August 7th, I saw that Goopie1051 was advertising a vorkath-ready account on a discord server created by fellow script creator (Chris). This advertisement, along with supporting evidence, is provided in the attached section. I initiated a conversation with Goopie1051 with the intent of purchasing the Vorkath account. After some negotiation, we reached an agreement: I would pay $100 USD in BTC, and in return, I would receive the account, and everything attached to it. This includes the current email and the email that was created with the account (The login email). I have included a screenshot outlining the terms of our agreement. I sent him the 100$ USD in BTC. In response, I received the vorkath account as well as the linked email account. However, the issue is that Goopie1051 failed to provide me with the Gmail account associated with the account, which we had explicitly said would be a part of the agreement. He mentioned that he had some trouble with logging into the gmail account since he forgot the password, but he assured me that he will give me the password the following day, since the password was on his PC in a spreadsheet. Anyways, a day goes by and I don't hear from him, and it's now the 11th of August with still 0 responses from Goopie1051. I did see that he was online on the forums, so he must be ghosting me and even Chris, that also took an effort to try and contact him. Given the lack of communication from his side, and him just completely ghosting me, I thought a report on here would hopefully wake him up. Usually i'm very patient with stuff like this, and I would be totally fine with waiting a day or two more, but 0 communication from him is just concerning. Anyways. Thanks for reading this thread, and hopefully we can resolve this quickly. Evidence: I chose to post all the screenshots i had with Goopie, of course a lot of the filler convo can be skimmed, if you would like for me to cut it down, let me know [REDACTED ALL SCREENSHOTS - ADMINS MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANT THEM READDED] Gif of discord UID: https://i.gyazo.com/439e3486e5edb3cd27210b1995ff0cf6.mp4 His discord can be confirmed here as well - this matches the UID shown in the gif - also the reason why I told him it's fine to skip on the "DM" part in the screenshots.
  8. Bought a F2P Non-trade restricted account

  9. Could i request a trial for this? Thanks in advance.
  10. May i get a trial please?
  11. Hey man, do you still offer trials? Also do you have a discord server or account, which i could add you on?
  12. Messaged you on discord regarding this, but i think The Dig Site quest is broken. After the bot has gathered the items and then teleports to the dig site, it just stands there, and spams this in the logs:
  13. - Script name: Khal Mort Myre Fungus - trial length: 2 days if possible - Reason for trial: I would like to see how the script operates before purchasing it! - Are you ging to give feedback on the script?: I will be leaving feedback on both this thread and ur other one! Thanks!
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