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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Medusa

  1. Why not just proxy all of them and run at the same time with same breaks?
  2. Agree with Hybris. Also looks very much like it is the webhook URL that is not working correctly. You might've used the wrong imports(?) (Semi-late reply)
  3. You could make the manager in C#, but scripts you would have to write in java. All info it has on the accounts is sent from the script to a database, which stores it so you can read/modify it later.
  4. Does that work with mobile subscriptions tho? I'd think you would have to do that through the appstore?
  5. Question; Is it possible to move the money to Apple Pay balance? Idk how it works, but I'd think they'd make that possible EDIT: Actually, I see why that wouldn't work
  6. If the proxy is coming from a datacenter then it doesn't really matter what provider you're using. 4 bots at once on a single IP would be fine imo. Pretty sure chain bans don't happen on that amount of bots, but I won't guarantee anything.
  7. Don't worry. I do that all the time :))
  8. Awesome seeing "new" people contribute to the community
  9. Semi-old thread, but I'll reply anyways. Imo public VPNs such as NordVPN doesn't affect the ban length, but may get you banned faster (Not 100% sure on this). Mirror mode would 100% help in reducing bans, but some scripts don't work with it (Pretty sure most scripts do work with it, but you might run into a few issues. Don't quote me on this tho). System wide VPNs such as NordVPN will work on your whole computer (Which is why I called it system wide). It routes all your traffic through the VPN server, so RuneLite will also get a different IP.
  10. Medusa

    PC Main

    Alright. Thanks for the pc
  11. Medusa


    Pretty sure you can't just swap the script for another one just cuz you don't like it. That's just what I think tho.
  12. Medusa

    PC Main

    Hello, Would like to know how much someone could expect to get for an account like this. Has all quests completed (So it has the cape). No bans. Stats: Bank:
  13. That could be a possibility, but most people that say "chinning" refer to botting chins (That's what I've experienced at least). Won't deny what you're saying tho
  14. Best script imo is Projects hunter
  15. Don't wanna spam this thread, so this will be my last message. Even though the accounts say they're created, they might not actually have been created. The program is fucked lol
  16. Maybe it's just when creating accounts on a larger scale? Not sure. All I know is that the code is retarded, and no one should ever want to look at it lol.
  17. Don't 100% believe what I say, but I'm pretty sure multiple people have reported it as not working
  18. ez11 is right. She's on vacation. Pretty sure she'll be back soon tho.
  19. It would be abusing their system, and I'm almost certain their Terms of Service would say it isn't allowed. Pretty sure everyone abuses stuff like that though. Also like 90% sure that just proxies wouldn't help you achieve this "infinity-free" loop. You'd need to clear the stored site-data (Cookies and shit) combined with your proxies. Side note: Why the fuck did you register on a botting forum to ask this question?
  20. You having it do the instant-message thing, or using getKeyboard().typeString() or w/e the method is called? I think you'd have a higher ban rate from instant-messaging than if you used the latter. Not sure you can detect mutes, but I may be wrong.
  21. I'll be teaching you how to send messages to your discord channel from your botting script. This can be useful for a number of things; Level messages, PvE drops, Out of food and a lot of other things. I'll be using this json library, but you can re-write the code snippet so you won't need the library (If you know how). If you want to know how you can "import" the library to your compiled script, just watch this spoiler. Official Discord webhook API is here Let's get started The following code is the function to send a discord message. You want to add this anywhere in your code. It has come to my attention that I'm a retard, and that I initialize variables inside methods. Please fix this yourself :)) Once you've got the function in your project you're ready to use it. discordMessage("Your webhook url", "the message you want to send", "Any username really. You can use the name of the account logged in if you want"); If you don't know how to create a discord webhook, look at this spoiler.
  22. You could technically send any information through the webhooks. No real limitations (Obviously limitations to what the OSBot API can do). 2000 character limit tho
  23. All info needed about the account: https://imgur.com/a/NX3UWBW (Stats and Untradeables) Has thieving pet (Rocky), Full graceful, Full Rouges outfit Quests completed: Cook's assistant Doric's quest Goblin Diplomacy Vampire Slayer Eagles' Peak Waterfall Quest Mini Quests: The Mage Arena I Account Status: https://imgur.com/a/EXucOX5
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